I’ve Motivated. I’ve Planned. Now it’s time to enjoy, right? So why am I so stressed out?

How to Enjoy the season while “winning” (getting your Most Important Things done)

OK so it’s…..December 13th? …And how many more “full weeks” (minus the parties, right?) in this year, ONE? What?
THIS MEANS WE ARE AT THE COUNTDOWN. What happens in the best sports games? It’s tight, it’s back and forth, and in the last quarter, maybe even in the last minute, the WINNER PULLS AHEAD.
Do you picture yourself as that winner? If so, try this strategy on for size, to kick it hard while enjoying your parties, guilt free.

*The power of One*
This week I met with a client who was feeling overwhelmed with the season. Does this sound familiar? Take all the “regular” to-do’s and add *holidays* onto it all and what results? Stress, overwhelm, guilt, money pressure. A strategy that worked for her is *the power of one*.

How it works:
1. Allow yourself a maximum of 15 minutes to write out all the to-do’s flying around in your head.
2. Quickly assess which one is the top priority.
3. Write that priority on an index card.
4. Put the rest away.
5. Focus on that one. Do not feel guilty. Just focus. Energy will return. You will watch it get done. It will matter. There will be closure. Do not look back.

But how do I decide on *one*?
1. Ask yourself, what will make the biggest impact on my life? (work, personal, whichever is more critical to you at the time)
2. If you need help deciding, remember, YOU are important. Put yourself first in this season of giving, so you can give even more.