What motivates you? 3 Examples of what works, and one that doesn’t work.

Your motivation: Is it…

Fall Scenery?  Your children? The promise of an exotic trip?

Or is it…

…the vision of becoming a leader in your field?

find your vision, pursue your goal, use your motivation

The opportunity to give more and better in your own unique way…to push the limit of who you think you are to who you could be? Is it the opportunity to create something that nobody has created?

What it is NOT:

None of the above are “right” or “wrong.” But, did you notice what was *not* in the list? That’s right…”more money.”  Compensation is what many people claim they seek, but an MIT study shows that actually…there is much more to “real” motivation and innovation. Stay tuned until the end of this blog article.


If you answered “fall scenery”:

focused people are more productive
focused and organized people motivate themselves and others

Science reinforces that the beautiful fall images we’ve been seeking on the EpS facebook page TRIGGER POSITIVE EMOTIONS that actually HELP US FOCUS.

And what happens with focused people? You guessed it…they are more Productive.


If you answered “the promise of an exotic trip”:

You might be someone who gets excited by new challenges. Many of my clients are in this category. Stimulation and new-ness are key. Factor 3 in this Psychology Today article supports this motivator: read here.


When we operate beyond the “make more widgets, get more compensation” mentality, our motivation actually suffers from the promise of more compensation, if a more comprehensive set of motivators is absent, according to a recent MIT study.

This video is worth watching. It highlights that 3 factors, autonomy, mastery, and purpose, weigh in heavily as the prime motivators for those seeking motivation through cognitive skill. What this means is that when our thinking moves BEYOND a certain, carrot-and-stick level, which is a mechanical skill level, we DO in fact, need “more.” Have you heard, “I have the money but I still feel empty inside?”

motivation, purpose, passion
Where is your blue sky? How will you make a difference?

Watch this video. Start thinking….what do I want to master? What’s my purpose? How much more autonomy would I want to take on my current or future work situation?

Autonomy, mastery, purpose…now we’re talking Motivation. Be great.
