Counterintuitive Truth: Why Keeping Your Goals (and Compass!) Front and Center Makes Planning Your Week Easier, Not Harder

Feeling Overwhelmed? Focus on What Truly Matters

In our hustle-driven world, it’s all too easy to get lost in the chaos of daily tasks. We often think the secret to effective planning is simply mapping out our week—scheduling every minute, juggling multiple priorities, and checking off endless to-do lists. Yet, in the pursuit of productivity, we often overlook what truly matters: our “north star” direction and “goals.”

It’s time to confront a counterintuitive truth: keeping your goals front and center can actually make planning your week easier, not harder. Most people stash their goals away in dusty boxes, viewing them as untouchable ideals. But in reality, they should be our guiding stars, illuminating the path through our busy lives.

When you’re standing on your head, juggling tasks, and multitasking like a pro, the notion of reflecting on your goals may seem impossible. However, this is precisely where the magic happens. Slowing down to think about your goals doesn’t derail your progress; it actually accelerates it. By pausing to consider what you genuinely want to achieve, you gain clarity and focus. This allows you to streamline your tasks, making decisions about where to direct your energy.

Instead of drowning in the myth of multitasking, which often leads to scattered efforts and burnout, focus on one or two key goals each week. By aligning your daily tasks with these objectives, you create a coherent plan that prioritizes what truly matters. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

So, the next time you sit down to plan your week, take a moment to reconnect with your goals. Write them down, visualize them, and let them guide your decisions. You’ll find that with a clearer purpose, your planning becomes less of a chore and more of a strategic exercise. Embrace the counterintuitive approach of slowing down to speed up, and watch how your week transforms from a chaotic scramble into a focused journey towards your aspirations.

What If You Don’t Know Your Big Goals?

Now, maybe you’re reading this and thinking, But what if I don’t even know what my goals are? Maybe you’re trying to make ends meet, keep your family organized, and still find time for your passions—whether that’s playing music, crafting, or some other creative pursuit. You might even wonder how you can possibly have a strategic goal in the midst of all this.

Don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure of your direction, I can help you sort through the chaos and dial into what really matters.

A Special Opportunity for You!

To celebrate my Libra birthday month, I’m giving away 10 FREE sessions to uncover what you did not even know needed uncovering. This is as close to “pure magic” as it gets. The process will blow your mind wide open. Several spots have already been claimed, so don’t wait!

This is your chance to stop standing on your head, juggling tasks, and stressing over your week. Instead, you’ll start moving toward your goals with clarity, creativity, and focus. I’m here to help you make that shift—so claim your spot now before they’re gone!

I can’t wait to meet you and help you transform your approach. Let’s work together to make your weeks smoother and your goals more achievable. Happy birthday to me; happy success to YOU!

Watch Erica….at 2:27 she talks about how her business skyrocketed when she took the rest of her life seriously…one area feeds on the other: