Mastering Time: Prioritize What Truly Matters

The river only flows in one direction

Let’s talk about making time for what truly matters. We need to prioritize what’s important right now. Recently, I conducted a survey, and now it’s time to dig into the responses and understand how we can all support each other. I’ll try to keep this succinct and focus on one or two key points that stood out.

One respondent mentioned being constantly busy doing things for everyone else, which gets in the way of self-care, marketing, and personal priorities. This person loves their family and spends a lot of time doing chores and helping their spouse, but struggles to find time for themselves. When asked what they would do if they had a magic wand, the answer was simple: have fun, do things for themselves, and focus on their business.

The solution isn’t all or nothing. Many people think it’s either full-on self-care or no self-care at all. They want balance. As a Libra, I don’t believe in perfect balance. Instead, I advocate for being off-balance on purpose. If you’re busy with tasks for others or struggling to find a balance between work and self-care, the key is to take small, specific steps.

For example, I recently shifted from vacation mode in July to planning mode in August. I like to assign themes to each month, week, and even day. If you’re an entrepreneur in the coaching, healing, or helping space, you might find August to be a slower month. Use this time to prepare for the fall. Start now so you’re not caught off guard when September arrives.

Remember, we are not robots. As perfectionists, we often think everything has to be perfect, but it doesn’t. Mercury retrograde can cause things to go awry, but that’s okay. Today is a new day. I have a specific morning routine with a handwritten checklist that I rewrite daily. This helps reinforce my goals and keeps me on track.

In summary, if you want to achieve more balance and stop doing everything for others, start loving yourself and doing things for your business. Take it easy and slow. Write down your tasks and check them off as you complete them. It’s okay if you don’t get everything done. Lean on others for support, and feel free to reach out to me. Even if you’re not a client yet, I have time this month to chat.

We just had our Wisdom Warriors session, now called the Overachievers Club, which is perfect for people-pleasing perfectionists who feel like underachievers. I love the new name and can’t wait for our next session on September 9th. In the meantime, let’s have a conversation. I have time this month to help you get ready for the fall. Don’t be caught sleeping at the wheel when Labor Day rolls around. Hit reply and we will make time, okay?

Peace out.