Why your time management strategy has got you overwhelmed and what to do instead

How anxiety hijacks our brain

Today, let’s dive into why your current time management strategy could be leaving you overwhelmed- and what to do instead. If you want to live a life like mine, where I enjoy a lakeside lifestyle, work from home, make a big impact, and absolutely love my life, keep reading.

First, I have a graphic for you. Most people want to do more in less time. They think, “I just need a new strategy, maybe more patience.” I’ve got an alternative perspective. This idea actually came from a meme about being patient.

Check out the graphic in the video: On one side, there’s this anxious guy fishing for time management. He’s stressed out because he’s got a lot to do and not much time to do it. His anxiety is eating up his time, leaving him feeling overwhelmed, guilty, and stuck in a cycle of not getting things done.

Now, on the other side, there’s another figure (could be anyone – guy, gal, non-binary, doesn’t matter). This person also has anxiety, but they’re fishing for self-love and self-belief. Look at all those fish! They’re winning the battle against anxiety and gaining better time management, manifesting what they truly want.

So, what do you want for your summer? More fun weekends instead of being overworked and overwhelmed? As a business owner, it’s time to start planning for the fall. It’s not too late – it’s the perfect time! Get ready for Labor Day when everyone’s back and business picks up. Use this time to nurture yourself and get prepared.

Remember, no matter the level of anxiety, love yourself for the win. 

Ask yourself, “What one thing I do for *me* right now that’s really simple?” 

Whatever comes to mind, do it! Maybe it’s stretching, breathing in some fresh air, or planning that one summer activity you’ve been dreaming about. When Labor Day hits, you’ll feel amazing knowing you did it. Bonus tip: If you feel like there is no way to do it, you are too busy, immediately stop and do it. Do it right now. 

Hit reply and tell me what you’re going to do differently, so you’re not just fishing for time management but feasting on self-love, purpose, and abundance. Peace out.