Procrastination to Productivity: A Leader’s Journey

How to turn your goals into achievements

Today I want to discuss one of my favorite topics: procrastination.

I just finished a call with a client who is an exceptional leader. He’s a senior citizen, still actively building his business empire. This smart individual excels in many ways but often procrastinates because he gets bored with routine tasks. He’s in the financial industry, but this pattern of procrastination is common across various fields. I notice it in many of my clients who are highly intelligent, big idea people, yet they procrastinate.

If you identify with this—if you thrive on last-minute thrills and the dopamine rush of last-minute achievements—keep listening. You might enjoy that rush sometimes, but not always.

I asked this client why he wanted to change his procrastination habit. He said he aims to reach a new level in his business, a level unattainable with his current habits. That made sense. The first step is to decide why it is important to you. For instance, I procrastinated about buying my house in 2021, despite wanting to secure it and not lose the opportunity. I realized that the life disruption of moving us both, and going into a small apartment, is not what I wanted so I decided to buy it.

Returning to my client’s story, we pinpointed his goals and their importance. 

That’s step one: identify why your goals matter. For him, it’s about making a significant impact before retiring. For me, it was about providing stability for my son.

Step two involves recognizing what systems are working for you now. My client detailed his effective systems, like his calendar and administrative assistant. 

Step three is integrating the task you’re procrastinating into your current successful systems.

Now…not everyone has a working system.  That’s where my coaching cohorts come in. Participants begin by identifying what they really want and why. Then we break it down, step by step and week by week to reduce or eliminate overwhelm (which is VERY common when we try to change on our own.)

I provide proprietary and customized forms, weekly meetings, and robust support. We tackle challenges together because mutual support makes a difference. 

So if you’re struggling to break free from procrastination on your own, consider joining my cohort starting June 13th. I want to help you overcome procrastination and focus on what truly matters to you, so you can enjoy your life fully.

To do that, please email me at and we can see if it might be the right fit for you.