Overcoming the chaos: A guide for soloists

 If simply reading a book helped, you would not be reading this right now

Here’s a common challenge many solo business owners face: feeling scattered and overwhelmed in both their personal and professional lives. You might find yourself wondering if you should keep going or just give up. Why does everything have to be so hard? Why does it seem like chaos is a permanent state?

A common sentiment I hear is, “I know what to do, so why can’t I just do it?” Let’s address that today because it’s a very real issue.

You might think you don’t need a coach or any external help. Maybe you believe you can just pick up a book, learn what you need, and then apply it. While knowledge is essential, it’s not everything. There are indeed people who can read a book and implement what they’ve learned effortlessly. However, most people can’t, and that’s where the frustration sets in. If you find yourself saying, “I know what I need to do, but I’m just not doing it,” then this message is for you.

Let’s visualize this journey.


Imagine you’re starting here, at the beginning of your learning process. You gain awareness—you understand what you want, how your brain works, and the steps you need to take. This awareness is crucial. You might read a book and think, “I want to follow this path.” However, awareness alone isn’t enough.

Here’s where many people struggle: their performance doesn’t match their awareness. You might have a high level of awareness, but your ability to execute—your performance—lags behind. This gap between awareness and performance can lead to self-doubt, which is a significant barrier to success.

For example, I spoke with someone today who has big dreams of becoming a high-paid keynote speaker and an executive coach. She has the awareness of what she needs to do but struggles with confidence and maintaining momentum. This creates a gap between her aspirations and her current performance.

Another person I talked to is focused on making a significant impact in her relationships and leaving a legacy. She’s learned a lot about her brain and past traumas, which has increased her awareness. However, her performance hasn’t caught up, creating another gap.

Instead of just reading a book and feeling stuck, consider this. A small cohort of amazing individuals who will work together to bridge the gap between awareness and performance is starting soon. We start on June 13th, and I’m limiting it to just four participants. This group will help you gain confidence, identify where you are in your journey, and uncover how your brain might be holding you back. You’ll practice in a safe environment, either in a group or one-on-one with me. In August, you will be running on all cylinders and making great progress. And momentum leads to MORE momentum, so the truly motivated will likely accelerate this in ways I cannot imagine.

As an expert coach, I see and understand different types of brains. We leave blame and shame at the door and focus on uncovering your true self. If you want to join the next Green Goddess cohort this spring or summer, so you’re ready to roll by fall, HIT REPLY NOW. Don’t wake up on Labor Day feeling lost. You can email me at carol@unscatterme.com or message me on Facebook or LinkedIn. There are plenty of ways to get in touch.

I can’t wait to meet you and help you achieve your goals, unleash your true potential, and bless the world with your unique gifts. Wake up to the spring of your life, ease into the summer with grace and happiness, and make your mark.