Veteran Productivity Expert Reveals Number 1 Time Management Secret

Navigating burnout and maximizing impact in today’s world

Before you read the article…..don’t lose your opportunity for a Q2 and beyond BOLD BREAKTHROUGH this Tuesday May 7th. Sign up before all the spaces are gone…there are a few left as of this writing.


Leaders often fall into the illusion that non-stop hard work is the key to their success. Here’s the truth: pushing yourself to the brink leads to burnout, not brilliance

THE NUMBER 1 TIME MANAGEMENT SECRET: Time out isn’t just beneficial, it’s essential

When we balance drive with creativity and rest, something extraordinary happens – our impact soars. 

Let me share my own story. 

During the pandemic years of 2020, 2021, and 2022, I experienced exponential success, but in 2023 my father fell ill, and everything changed. I found myself burning out, trying to juggle caring for him, my family, and my clients without a moment to breathe. I needed deliberate rest, and in the first quarter of 2024, I took it. I invested in coaching, read, made connections, and reflected deeply on my mission. Turns out, it wasn’t so different from before, and I’ve distilled three key points to share.

  1. Firstly, productivity and rest aren’t separate – they’re intertwined. It’s about doing the right things for your Great Work and your life, not just filling time with (MORE) tasks. Deliberate Rest isn’t just about napping; it’s about supporting productivity by engaging different parts of your brain.
  2. Secondly, rhythm and routine support creativity. Contrary to common belief, they don’t stifle it; they create space for it to flourish. 
  3. TIME FOR ACTION: learn how to IMPLEMENT these concepts by coming to the YOUR BOLD BREAKTHROUGH: The Great Work-Shop on May 7. Your great work is your gift to the world, unique to you in a way AI can’t replicate. 

If you want to be average, get a job…any job will do. 

If you want to be impactful, join me on May 7th for the Great Work Workshop, Your Bold Breakthrough,. Do it before seats and time run out.

It’s time to prioritize your sanity and your impact. 

See you there!