Beyond Resolutions: Navigating the journey of change in 2024

Stop complaining and tolerating mediocrity

I came across this brilliant insight today, and it really struck a chord with me. Rich Litvin, author of the Prosperous Coach book said…

 “It’s easier to go after what you really, really want than

 accomplishing what you think you can get.” 

Isn’t that powerful? So often we don’t think beyond what we believe is possible.

Now we’re in January, the month of renewal and resolutions. We all start with these sentences, these aspirations. Whether it’s getting fit, going vegan, running right – you name it. But let’s face it, by the third week, that enthusiasm tends to dwindle. Blue Monday hits, and suddenly we’re feeling blue because those big plans haven’t materialized.

Gyms are bustling in January, but come February, it’s a ghost town. We even joke about it – gyms should transform into wine bars by then. But hey, there’s another way to approach this, and if you’re intrigued, stick around.

True leaders follow an upward spiral. They dream big, go deep, and take tiny, weeny steps – much smaller than they ever imagined. They create space for their dreams and surround themselves with inspiring, supportive folks who push them to new heights.

Now, let me share a big takeaway from our Reclaim 2024 workshop on January 8th. Ten people sought something different, focusing on their health journey. They recognized that their health was a key factor holding them back. Clarity, inspiration, and hope were their goals. (you can still buy the replay here)

Your next step? Attend Wisdom Warriors on February 5th. We’ll check in on our New Year’s desires. I’ll delve into a unique take on accountability – not your mother’s accountability. We’ll discuss how you’re doing, what support you need, and what you’re willing to do to get it.

Just imagine…you could quit complaining and start dreaming.

Change is no joke; it’s tough.  On February 5th, let’s be accountable,  & vulnerable, as Wisdom Warriors. For support before that, I have three SHORT TERM spaces open for three amazing entrepreneur leaders. Email me at to learn more.

Share your 2024 desires and what you’re willing to do to achieve them. Are your desires about what you think you can do, or what you really, really want?

Let’s chat: email me and we will set it up!