Navigating Life’s Chaos: A strategic guide to prioritizing and thriving

Unlocking the power of choices, timers, and self-care for a balanced and fulfilling journey

“Gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta do this, gotta do that—feeling like I’m drowning. Ever been there? Drowning in a sea of tasks, wondering, ‘How do I tackle it all? How?’

Life’s a wild whirlwind, but what if I said doing everything might not be the fix? You might ask, ‘Okay, then what’s the secret? What do I do?’ Right? What’s the secret?

Your answer…

It’s about choices, and choices pack a punch. Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Grab a notebook, jot down what’s swirling in your head, vying for attention. 
  2. Then, rate them by importance. If they’re all crucial (some may not be), but if they are, score them from 1 to 10. 
  3. Once that’s done, you’ll likely have a bunch of tens or at least some. Take those tens, and ask, ‘What happens if I don’t do these?’ Depending on the fallout, prioritize them. 
  4. Then, take a weekly calendar and plot it out. List all you’ve got to do, including the essentials like sleep, meals, exercise, and self-care (super crucial—walking, breathing, meditation, yoga, or maybe chiropractic care). Don’t forget kids and family.
  5. After that, what’s left? Work stuff, clients, obligations. You might think, ‘Not enough time. How do I get it all done?’ Well, maybe you don’t need to do it all right now. 

It’s fantastic because with limited time, you can focus wholly on your top priority. Grab a timer, make it fun,, and work through it. Put the other tasks aside; you can only do one thing at a time. Trust me, you won’t get bored doing one thing at a time. If you’re AD/HD, you can multitask in your mind with some music. It works. Ignite your brain, tackle one thing at a time with a timer, and reward yourself.

Let me know how the above process works for you. This is a game-changer.

In summary….life’s an experiment. It won’t be perfect all the time. Newsflash—no matter who you listen to, whether it’s me or someone else. When you view life as an experiment, treat your business as a massive experiment—one you adore and allows you to do what you want—then fitting it all in stops being a worry. Instead, focus on the crucial stuff, let some go, and move on.

Slowly but surely.


Have a blast.

Make every moment count.