Spring out of stuck

This strategy will surprise you

How have you been feeling lately? 

Maybe you’ve been trying to get someplace and you just can’t get there. Maybe you’ve been trying to reach a new health goal, you’ve been trying to reach a new business goal, you’ve been trying to just get on, stuck in your life, and it’s spring and you’re feeling like you are ready to pop and want to do these things….but you’re not sure how.

Read on or watch the video

The Surprising Strategy

I’m going to illustrate a surprising way that you can “get there.” This solution is a lot different than you might think. It’s all about vulnerability. I  was inspired about this through a very interesting source. It was in a magazine – there was a guy wearing a kimono which said ‘the art of opening up’ in Japanese. 

The article talks about his experiences traveling, and using vulnerability as a way to experience an opening up to failure, so that he could exceed his limits (as he knew them). For him, it started in high school. He went to France. He lived with a host family. He didn’t know any French, and he was deathly afraid of making a mistake. So he really tried really hard to say the right thing, and at one point he wanted to say how good the meal was and that he was full.  

He used the verb for ‘full’ that he thought was correct, and it meant ‘pregnant’. He was embarrassed. Rather than letting this error stop him, he let himself fail and from that moment forward. Amazingly, he found himself making friends instantly and abundantly.

He later went to Japan, met a woman, and fell in love with her..  They decided to go dancing to a special dance and he knew nothing of the dance. He got the biggest kimono he could get, but it was still about a foot too short, and he was out there dancing, making a complete fool of himself because it was all so new to him, yet, having so much fun. He ended up getting invited to events and homes, and developed a beautiful social network because he wasn’t afraid of messing up, feeling vulnerable, and learning. 

He learned a lot about the culture and he made friends. Last in the story, he went to Cambodia. He stayed with a family and thought, “this is going to be the longest four days of my life”, as he did not know the language at all. It actually went really fast because he decided he was just going to try to communicate however he could without any knowledge of the Cambodian language – and he found that the more he opened up to people and just decided to look stupid, be vulnerable, that he ended up having amazing experiences. With each of these experiences, he grew. 

How does this strategy relate to YOU?

So I ask you, what is holding you back? What vulnerability could you allow to show through? Thinking about the goal that you want, thinking about that breakthrough that you want to have, how might you “stick your neck out and look stupid” so that miracles occur? Now that it’s spring and the ground is starting to thaw, the snow is melting (here, anyway!) what is it that you want to break through with? 

3 other ways to get unstuck:

  1. Help me help you: I recently sent out a survey on Monday, March 25. It takes 3 minutes to fill out. It helps me serve you better and I’ll use it as I’m developing something new…which starts April 3…and I truly hope it will help you start to “thaw” or get unstuck 🙂
  2. Download and print your Unscatter Guide:  It will take you from ‘scattered and stuck’ to ‘focused and confident’ and it’ll walk you through the steps. 
  3. Come to Wisdom Warriors on April 10: I’m skipping Wisdom Warriors on Monday April 3rd and having it on Monday April 10th. We’re going to be focusing on the economy, entrepreneurs,and how you could really capitalize on where we are today. 

Until then, be vulnerable, look silly, open yourself up to miracles and keep being fantastic.