How do you want to feel different on December 31? Real tips to manifest your dreams

Hello everyone! I’m starting something new & I’m really excited.  I’m going to be going live on my Facebook page, my business page. And I’m also going to be on my newsletter.  This will be broadcast on my newsletter every single Sunday, you’re going to get it popping in your inbox at 8:00 AM on Sunday, that’s Eastern time to hopefully give you something to chew on worth chewing for your week.

I decided something. Before, I was really focusing on the productivity end of things. I decided that now since I’ve got my new guide out and it’s really super-duper clear – the five main steps to go from scattered to successful, what I’ll do now is I’m going to come to you through video and through a transcript in my own words. So here we go. I don’t know how this is going to go and I’m going to do this for basically as long as it makes sense. So I hope that you like it. And I also would love some feedback, like if this is working for you better, I want to know if you’d rather just get the blogs on a newsletter a couple of times a month. I want to know!

So today is the 13th of September and I’ve got to say, there is a chill in the air and that’s part of the reason that I’m indoors. I’m wearing my sparkles today. I’m going to be part of a live event where we are getting our sparkle on, so I need to make sure that I respect my body temperature and respect my sparkle and come at you like this. So since it’s where there are these, there’s this feeling from a lot of people. It’s after Labor day here in the United States, kids are definitely back at school, no matter where you are at this point. Even schools that start much later, are typically back at school by now. And with that shift in seasons, I know I’m in New England and I’m definitely seeing a little bit of red in the leaves;  just a tinge.

It really brings us to a place where we can now look forward in a way that makes more sense to take advantage of the season. For the last couple of years I’ve done a workshop called the “100 day Sprint To Success”. And the reason that I have done this is that this time of year there are approximately 100 business days plus or minus, give or take, until the end of the year. And when we can see a goal post- an end point-  it’s easier to become motivated to do something differently. I was watching a TED Talk recently about procrastination and I think I’m going to put that on my Unscatter Me Community. So if you, by the way, if you haven’t joined them and, and joined in the fun there, make sure you do that.

The speaker  in the TED Talk was talking about how, when he was going for his PhD, he had to do a thesis. And when he had to do his thesis, he was given a year and being the master procrastinator that he was, he knew himself. And he said, okay, hang on. I can’t operate the same way that I used to operate. So what I’ll do is I will chunk it up by quarter. And I’ll do a little bit first quarter, a little bit second quarter, a little bit third quarter, a little bit fourth quarter that didn’t work for him. And we’re going to get more into that when I, when I do post that, however, or perhaps in a future article.

Let’s bring this back to the idea of a “seeable goal” as a motivator. How many of you decide to have a party so that your house gets cleaned, right? How many of you say, “I’m deadline driven”? How many of you say, “I don’t exercise on my own, but boy, when I meet somebody at the gym or for a walk or for a run, that’s when I go ahead and do it, or if I have an accountability partner?” It’s that motivation. It’s that end point. It’s not wanting to disappoint people that I want to just pull that energy in and, and the change in seasons and also to astrologically, it really does help the moons and the different things. You don’t have to believe in that if you don’t want to, that’s up to you. However, I believe it to be true. Let’s do this. Put your feet on the floor.  Uncross your legs, put your feet on the floor. Take a deep breath in. Let it out.  One more time. Breathe right in and out – slowly. This calms down your racing brain and allows you to access your intuition…your deep creative soul.

Imagine the 31st of December. Picture how you’re feeling. You’re probably celebrating with friends or family, or maybe you’re just going to bed early, but your mind is on January 1st and you know inwardly or outwardly (or both) that you do want things to be different the next year. Let’s not look forward just yet. As you sit there by the fire, drinking your glass of champagne, etc…, and you’re saying “Oh my goodness, look at what I have accomplished over this last year!” Drill into that thought.

You are in the future (Dec 31) and you’re looking back. You say…”I can’t believe I ….” and then fill in the blanks. There are many ways this could sound.

Here are some examples.

“I can’t believe I finally applied for those jobs. I faced my fear and I applied for those jobs”.

“I am so grateful that I said ‘no’ to business opportunities that really didn’t serve me that otherwise I would’ve said, well, geez, this opportunity looks good. And maybe it’s not my dream client, but boy, it got it, got it, got money in the door.”

“I am so grateful that I finally loved myself enough to really start doing that plant-based diet that I said I wanted to do for years now, I started really small. All I did was just have three avocado toast with sprout sandwiches over the week and that got the ball rolling. And look, now I have meat only once a week. And you know, I have so much more energy than I used to!”

Again, to be clear, I am not suggesting that these be your goals. What I am suggesting is that you think about yourself in the future as if it exists. Right now, you have a beautiful tool as a homosapien, and that is the power of the mind.  The mind and the brain are very, very powerful. We can choose to think and feel into our existence. Quite frankly, anything we want to, and I have loads of examples of this, and I actually am my own example. 

Quick aside on that topic….be on the lookout on October 19th, it’s coming to everybody on my email list. 

When I think about the power of the mind, I think about my story. My life has been really hard and now it’s really amazing. It’s taken some time, it’s taken some big time and here is a quick overview. In 2009 in the great recession, I was laid off. In 2012, I chose to leave my abusive husband and embark on my own and had absolutely no idea how I was going to support myself and my family. I rented this little house that I now own.

I purchased my home one year ago. I’m starting to live into my dream and my vision because I keep moving forward on opening steps towards the Beacon of Light Center, LLC. I never give up on my dreams. I live where I am. I inspire other people to do the same. I want to tell you right now that your dreams are real and that every dream 100% can (and most likely should) get not in a bad “should” way but in an amazing “should” way be manifest. And it will be manifested when you believe, when you’re aligned to your heart, sorry, your heart and your soul and your mind, and your actions are all aligned. And you are so inspired from the inside out, from the voice within – whatever that is for you. 

So I leave you with this: 

follow your dreams, 

never give up, 

release the timeline, 

know what you want and why, and 

make sure that what you want isn’t an “ego-want”, but is it  a “voice within-want.”

What is next??

If you like this, you might also like the video – make sure you tune into my Facebook page Green Goddess of Productivity, which by the way, I’ll be changing that name, but the page won’t change on Wednesdays around 9am.

Sign on to my email list through my website or through my new guide and live your dream with me because I want that for you.

It’s my mission to help every single scattered entrepreneur that wants to be unscattered to read the guide, do the exercises, follow his or her dream and make the world a better place.

It’s that simple.