TIME: The Real Truth behind making MORE of it

You want to make it big. You want to make more. You want to be more, to do more but what does that actually mean? What is the truth behind making MORE of it?

Whether it’s your business, a project, or some super fun idea…this is for you.

Here’s the scenario. You have a big dream or vision. Hopefully you have done a little research so that you can see if it has potential to take off (if not, go do this…like…NOW.)

But you’ve got so caught up in the day-to-day and spending time IN the business or idea, you’ve forgotten to spend time ON the business, project, or dream. You’ve lost sight of where you’re going, what you were aiming for and what the true goal was here. So how do you get it back? Here are some ideas.

  • Assess and review – block out time in your calendar each month, whether it be a day or just a few hours, to look at what you’ve achieved in the last month, assess what you did well and what could have been done better and set yourself a goal or a target for the following month.
  • Make a gigantic wall poster or stick post it notes around your house, car or wherever it may be – and remind yourself of what it is you’re doing and what you want to achieve.
  • Shout about it from the rooftops and make yourself accountable – don’t hide away, share your visions with those around you, tell them when and why you’re doing what you’re doing and ask them to follow you up on it, make yourself accountable. A bit of social pressure can go a long way.

Okay, find your mojo but then what? How do you actually make MORE of it?

  • A lot of hard work and probably some sacrifices along the way. To make MORE of it, usually you have to do more or do what you do more efficiently but that certainly doesn’t come without sacrifices. If you look back in history, those who created something that no one could ever forget made huge sacrifices, whether that be in their family life or with their friends. There goes the saying “you can’t have your cake and eat it” and when it comes to making MORE of it, unfortunately this rings true. Know your limits on what you’re willing to sacrifice will be key to knowing your growth potential and understanding how much MORE you can make of it.
  • Make a plan, tweak it, change it but always make sure that you track it, review it and most importantly stick to it. There’s always an element of “winging it” with any project, idea or business but there has to come a time where your efforts are focused and it’s not purely just trial and error.
  • Find someone who shares a vision, divide, and conquer – is your own knowledge and expertise capping your growth, is it time to bring someone on who has different skill sets from you, can give everything a pair of fresh eyes and give you someone to be accountable to? Making MORE of it can be a long and hard process, so having someone there who is also living it, can make the journey seem a lot easier!
  • Make sure making MORE of it is actually what you want – for me, this one is the absolute jackpot and one I recently got asked. What do you want from this? There’s nothing wrong with plodding away, there’s no shame in it. Social media and the media in general have certainly influenced making us want MORE, to make it as big as possible, to have as many things as possible, to have as much money as possible but this might not be for everyone and that’s OKAY! Decide what it is you want from this and make peace with it; you’ll know when it’s the right time.

So just remember, making MORE of it doesn’t come easily for most and that life is about choices. Every choice you make, makes you.