How to live within your means and stay connected to your dreams

Do you ever find yourself comparing your life to those around you? Perhaps on social media, in pictures of friends and family, living what you can only call paradise, while you’re sat at home on a rainy Sunday scrolling through your phone. It’s easy to get carried away right? Not everybody has the same resources, circumstances, or financial situation, so how do you continue to move forwards with your life and do it within your means? The formula is fairly simple. Add a little passion, a touch of courage and hey presto, you have yourself a cocktail for success. 

Discover a template: Take a wish and make it a reality. 

In our last article, we spoke about how to turn your dreams into more than just a fantasy and today we continue to push you on, encouraging you to take a wish and create it into a reality. It’s imperative to start by reminding you that what works for someone else may not work for you. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to life. Trial and error are your best friends when discovering your template of success. Start by challenging yourself with the “3 identifies” 

Identify your wish or dream – what is it that you want to achieve? 

Identify your resources – What do you already have that will help you on your way? It’s important to think long and hard about the existing resources because this will enable you to continue to move forwards and do it within your means. 

Identify what it is you need to make that wish a reality – what is it that you need but don’t already have? How long is it going to take to get there? How much money will you need? 

The most efficient way to achieve a wish or dream is to set a timeline against what you want to do. Break it down into manageable, bitesize pieces that won’t put too much pressure on you financially, physically, or mentally. 

What you have already in your life are your resources and your base but by no means are these your limits. Just look at Oprah Winfrey as an example of this. After a troubled childhood, she worked in radio while still at school. Each step of her journey took her a 

little closer to her goal, her wish, her dream. Steve Jobs, Ralph Lauren, Richard Branson…the list goes on. Very successful people who lived within their means, mapped their journey, and worked hard until it was complete. 

Learn the critical hurdles to surpass 

That’s not to say that these people didn’t encounter hurdles – of course they did and if you read their stories, there are many of them. It’s not always going to be an easy ride. There will be obstacles along the way, As the wise Albert Einstein very famously said “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity”. When these come up, take your time to look at where you have come from and make note of what you can learn from the experience. You may be met with feelings of self-doubt and question whether the path you are on is the correct one. You may even be met with resistance from the people around you. Remind yourself of what it is you want and what it will mean to you when you achieve your dream. Remember the purpose. 

Uncover the secrets of true trailblazers

Every journey to success looks different and only once you have completed the journey in full will you be able to reflect on it. But remember the greater the obstacle, the greater the glory in overcoming it. Become a trailblazer, innovator, creator, warrior, storyteller and patron of your journey. We talked above about how there is no one size fits all, how what works for someone else may not work for you. So, remember this, there’s no moment like the present. Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now. 

And to finish, we’ll leave you with this from Oprah, from her speech at the Golden Globes:

“The single greatest wisdom I think I’ve ever received is that the key to fulfilment, success, happiness, contentment in life is when you align your personality with what your soul actually came to do. I believe everyone has a soul and their own personal spiritual energy. When you use your personality to serve whatever that thing is, you can’t help but be successful.”