When “just do it” doesn’t get it done

In our last blog post, we looked at how procrastination can be a positive thing, or at least turned to the positive.  But, how about when your procrastination goes deeper? What then?

The reptilian brain

At the root of why procrastination happens, lies the oldest part of our brain, the reptilian or lizard brain.  This is the part of our brain that controls the “fight or flight” tendency and procrastination is the flight response to the stress caused by the task.  Once this occurs, your brain will come up with all the reasons under the sun as to why you shouldn’t even start the task – fear of failure, fear of the unknown and anxiety are all common responses. So, in order to overcome this fight or flight tendency, we need to reprogram our brain to fear NOT doing something, rather than the consequences of doing it. 

Start by imagining that “alternative ending”.  What do you feel like?  What does it look like?  If you can, add in some phrases that you can repeat to yourself to reinforce the alternative consequences.  By doing this, you can supress that reptilian response and reframe your mind.

What does AD/HD have to do with it? 

Of course, if you are a serial procrastinator, there may be reasons for this.  Your brain might just be wired differently. And it’s perfect! Many people with AD/HD struggle with chronic procrastination but there are a number of things that can help. For example, make it fun. If it’s fun, it’ll get done. Create a contest, give yourself a reward, dance, act silly…nobody needs to know! Additionally, consider whether your work environment is contributing to the stress you feel.  Would a change in environment make a difference?

I’ve worked with teams who have AD/HDers on the team….knowing HOW they can support you makes all the difference. Little reminders, templates, maybe legos in the back room…ditch any shame and embrace yourself. Make it fun!

Clarity as a way to pave the progress road

For most people, procrastination occurs where there is a lack of clarity.  You know how those feelings of overwhelm kick in as soon as you’re not sure why, or how or even what you’re doing?  As soon as your brain receives the message that all is not clear, it starts telling you that it’s too difficult, uncomfortable or just plain not good for you.  It will start convincing you that something, anything is better than setting to and focusing on that task and, boy is it good at convincing you! So, what’s the answer? 

First, catch yourself. When I get up and start looking for something salty and crunch to eat, I know I am procrastinating and I don’t want to do the task, or know how to do the task. What are your signs?

Once you NOTICE, it starts with a clear plan of action. A plan that is precise in what you need to achieve, when and how, with no room for interpretation.  This way, you’ll know exactly what is needed, what is expected of you and what you have to deliver by when.  Although simple, this little step can help you overcome procrastination once and for all.

Although we all, at some point in our lives, allow procrastination to dictate our moves (or lack of) it’s important that we act to stop it from ruling our lives.  Remember, you don’t have to be perfect, instead focus on better; allowing yourself to still get the job done and kick procrastination to the curb, once and for all!

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