Did she really recommend that I procrastinate?


Let’s be real. Do you procrastinate?

If “yes” then welcome to Being Human. There is NOTHING wrong with you. (Can I stop reading now?) Procrastination is our way of avoiding something unpleasant. Our bodies and minds are saying, NO! My challenge to you is, why is it unpleasant? This question equals, “why am I procrastinating?”

Ask yourself:

  1. What is your expectation?
  2. How did you establish said expectation? Did it come from childhood? Teachers? Supervisors?
  3. What might happen if this expectation did not exist? That you CHANGE it to another one?

Example of expectation:
I must spend every moment of my workday being productive.  I cannot afford to take a lunch – that’s for lazy people.  I’m productive, busy, professional, and irreplaceable…I need to keep my game face on.

Example of changing this expectation:
I am important in my company.  I empower others and lead by example.  I know that taking frequent breaks clears my mind and allows me to do my best work.

When you change unrealistic expectations, you honor yourself more. When you honor yourself more, you are far less likely to be distracted, and to procrastinate.

And now, on to the Productivity Success Plan.

Last time, we dove into the first step in this plan. Step One was to identify what procrastination looks like for YOU (in other words, when you procrastinate what are you actually DOING?)

Step Two: The Procrastination Rescue Ritual
OK, so now you realize you are procrastinating. How do you Get Out of Procrastination-ville right away? Start your own Procrastination Rescue Ritual!

What’s a Procrastination Rescue Ritual?

This is a SIMPLE WAY to get you back on track. It’s so easy to get off track, right? So, first, NOTICE, and then, come up with a Really Simple Ritual so you can do it and you start actually getting stuff done!

Here are your 3 steps:

  1. Check in
  2. Center Yourself
  3. Re-motivate

Sound simple? Too simple? Yes, it’s simple…and simple WORKS.

Here’s what this might look like:

  1. You sit down at your computer. You check Facebook for work posts. The next thing you know, you see a sponsored ad for something cool, or you sister posted fun vacation photos. **YOU NOTICE***
  2. Yikes! Am I procrastinating (yes) (ask why? See above, too boring of a task, too long of a time allocated, what is it?)
  3. Procrastination Rescue Ritual time:
    • Check In: What do I need right now? A cup of tea and headphones? A quick walk? Shut down all my browser windows?
    • Center Yourself: Breathe. Do a mini meditation.
    • Re-motivate: Ask yourself, why is this important (relate it to your larger mission). Visualize yourself in your success. Cool, you are doing this!

Once you’ve rescued yourself, it’s time to Move into the Now. Ask yourself three essential questions to maximize your time and energy (we will do this 3/5)

And here’s a preview of the next 3 steps!

Removing Distractions

What needs to change?


Plus…here’s a BONUS TIP!

Sometimes thinking about the task is much bigger than actually doing it. Right? Go on, just start…something.