How Evernote can help “the disorganized” feel organized

Many of the kindest, most genuine, and wisest people I know have a brain structure that is labeled “AD/HD.” These are typically my favorite clients, because they are big thinkers, big dreamers, and amazing risk-takers. They also have a tendency to beat themselves up, because for their whole lives they have been told that they are not “doing it the right way.”

I have found that Evernote can really help my clients and particularly the ones who have an AD/HD-leaning brain.

Regardless of how you may wish to try on Evernote, it is imperative that you begin with a “pilot” project. For those who can relate to the never-ending distracting thoughts of living with AD/HD, this is particularly important.

One proven approach is to start using Evernote based on the first problem you need to solve. If you can’t keep track of your notes, then use Evernote exclusively for notes. Just use ONE notebook called “Notes,” and just focus on the little green elephant. Knowing that NOTES are taken care of by the little green elephant frees the mind from worry. That singular focus is crucial. You don’t have to think about a plethora of notebooks, you don’t have to think about tags, you only have to think about the elephant.” While this sounds overly simple, simple is easy, easy is do-able, and that “easy” step frees the mind to focus on the content versus the technology. Success steps heighten mood, which, in turn, increases the likelihood of continued success.

For more information on getting started with Evernote, contact me. I’m an Evernote Certified Consultant.

To download the Evernote app, here are some links. Basic is free and you can upgrade from there.





In closing, Evernote can help you get organized. It’s even been referred to as your “second brain.” But like everything, it’s still an external helper, and addressing your goals from the inside out is always the best policy. Let’s kick it in 2017!