4 steps to focus after life gets in the way

Weather crisis? Health crisis? Name your crisis.

Today, the topic is how to refocus after a crisis.

Small or large, life will always get in the way of your big plans; it’s just the way it is. 

In the last workshop that I did (Time management for the distracted entrepreneur), we talked about four things that will distract us. Those were: extreme weather, cash crunch, too much to do, but belt tightening, or some combination of these things. 

Recently, I’ve had one of my community members cite that they had major damage to their home (this is the extreme weather which we are all experiencing right now!) As a result, this can  have a lot of impact on our homes. This entrepreneur had to leave their home, which had an impact on their business – and I do not want your business to go down the toilet because of extreme weather! So let’s discuss steps that you can take when not if life gets in the way. 

  1. Completely accept what is happening. Be in agreement with what’s going on. Too often, we’re in disagreement with what is happening. When we ONLY wish it weren’t happening, we’re not in agreement with it.  We’re then unable to take the next step as we’re so busy being in denial. 
  1. Get quiet. Go inward and really ask yourself what you deeply want. This is, of course, after the “fire has been put out” (so to speak, or the flood or whatever is going on!) You need to deal with the crisis as it presents itself, and it doesn’t have to last forever. When you do that, think about three months out, six months out, what do you want your life, your business, your situation to be like? 
  1. Work backwards. Watch out for this pitfall, though: don’t believe that you must have the whole plan mapped out before you start.
  1. Start. Begin with one step. For example, this community member that I was working with was asking “How do I focus 9because of what’s happened)?” I asked “well, what has helped you focus in the past?” This person said “Well, usually sitting down and getting a daily plan together.” I agreed! 

Dear reader, I think you might want to try it, too. Try this! After you do your morning routine (you wake up, stretch, shower, have your coffee, etc), ask yourself:

  • What are my priorities today? 
  • What might get in the way? 
  • What is my one priority out of everything? 
  • And how does that relate to that thing that I said I wanted in three or six months? 

That’s just to get you started. With those four steps, I believe that you can emerge from whatever your crisis is. 

For more information and next best steps:

  • Download the free guide to help you get through all the steps: decide, discern, discover, practice, and celebrate. 
  • Come to my next free gathering on Zoom (the Wisdom Warriors). That’s going to be at 12pm EST on Monday October 2nd.
  • Join my UnscatterMe community on Facebook and we can have conversations about this. 
  • Set up a complimentary phone call with me to find out what your personal challenges are and what roadmap you might be able to go on. 

None of these things will cost you any money. 

You can certainly ask me about how I could help you in a more accelerated way for faster results that are tailored exactly to you. Just hit replay, and I’ll be happy to talk to you about that. In the meantime, please use these free resources to get yourself unstuck from the crises that inevitably will happen because they do. 

Have a great day.