3 Mantras to Keep a Focused Mind (part 2)

In part one of this blog, we touched on some underlying issues that contribute to a lack of focus. You even had the opportunity to check out what your own cake is looking like. Missed it?

No worries! The Success Cake Evaluation is right- HERE!

So now we’re going to explore HOW we can keep a focused mind,

First, let’s look at 3 Mantras. (For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it’s like a little “jingle” that is simple and meant to stick in your head as it gets repeated over and over.)

NOTE: Scroll to the bottom for my super-special tips for AD/HD people…you know who you are!

Mantra One –

Focus like a fiend (at least part of the time)

One of the reasons you may struggle to maintain focus is that there’s simply too much going on around you or you have more than one project on the go. Trying to multitask is often counterproductive and you end up getting very little done or get fed up and become easily distracted.

Pick one task and focus like a fiend. Research shows that focusing for a while then taking a short break improves our focus when it’s needed. Anything between 40 and 90-minute blasts appears to be optimal so set your timer and focus on the task in hand. When your time is up, take a 10–20-minute break, rinse and repeat.

Mantra Two –

Recreation and rest help focus best

It’s all too easy to keep forcing ourselves to try to focus for prolonged periods and be ‘on’ all the time, however, research shows that a little R&R helps our focus and productivity massively.  

As mentioned above, our breaks are just as important as our time spent focusing. Our ‘off’ time allows us to relax or have fun and acts as a reset button to our brains, enabling us to focus better when we pick back up.

Recreation and rest are just as important as focus and productivity and finding the balance allow each to complement the other.

Mantra Three –

Move, eat, sleep

We touched on these areas in part one of this blog and there’s a lot to be said for taking care of your physical health.

–      Move – Make sure you’re getting enough exercise, not only does it release endorphins which help elevate your mood and therefore motivation, but it actually gives you more energy and helps ward off that afternoon slump.

–      Eat – Make sure you’re eating plenty of fresh fruit and veg, this is the fuel your body and mind need to operate effectively. And stay hydrated, plenty of water will prevent headaches and keep you more alert.

–      Sleep – Make sure you’re getting enough sleep every night. Research varies on the optimum amount, but all agree that snoozing your alarm is a bad idea.

How much is enough?

This will, of course, vary from person to person and it’s up to you to find your rhythm. Whether you’re working an 8-hour day in an office or you work alone at home, just becoming aware of these elements that affect your concentration will help improve your focus.

Wait, I have AD/HD. It’s not that easy!


Here’s some “extras” made just for you!’

  1. A clear desk is not a “nice to have.” With AD/HD the mind gets cluttered in a cluttered space. Take a few minutes to move what you’re not working on, so it does not distract you.
  2. Make a list. A short one. The shorter the better.
  3. Write to yourself. For example, if you need to write a proposal, and this is something where you find yourself derailing at times, write “this is not the time to clean the office. You can do that tomorrow.”
  4. Enlist support. Ask a friend, spouse, coach, accountability buddy to check in on you at certain times to see how you’re doing. AD/HD people do better in community…not alone!

Finally,  remember to take your Success Cake Evaluation – HERE so that you can make the cake of your dreams, starting NOW!