
5 ways to get to the next level of success without burning out

The challenges of balancing creativity and organization in solopreneurship


The big day is tomorrow!

On September 23rd from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Eastern Time) dial into results in your hands-on workshop: Turn Up the Flame Without Burning Out. We’ll dive deep into everything we’ve talked about and help you stop overthinking, craft a concrete plan, and stick to a schedule.

NOW…meet my friend, the Scattered Scarlet. She’s usually organized, but when it comes to running her business, she sometimes feels lost—digging through old documents, searching for plans that don’t exist, and feeling like her business life isn’t as together as it should be. Maybe this sounds like you, or maybe you’re just curious about how to bring more focus into your business. Either way, you’re in the right place.

Start now to turn up the flame in your business without burning out with five tips that can help you go from scattered to streamlined, all while keeping the passion alive in your work.

1. Rest: The First Step to Reigniting Your Focus

The first tip might surprise you: rest. We’re not machines, and even though there are times when we need to push hard, rest is crucial to keeping your energy high over the long haul. Without rest, burnout is inevitable, and that’s the last thing you want when trying to build a business you love.

Make sure you take breaks, get enough sleep, and give yourself downtime to recharge. Ask yourself: What are the non-negotiables in your life that help you rest and recover?

2. Play in Moderation: A Double-Edged Sword

Play is important, but too much of it can be just as dangerous as too little. I’ve had clients who get so wrapped up in taking time for themselves—whether it’s walks on the beach or other relaxing activities—that they forget about their business goals. On the other hand, some solopreneurs play too little, and that’s when life becomes all work and no joy.

Find the balance that works for you. Ask yourself: Are you playing too much or not enough?

3. Movement: Fuel Your Mind and Body

Movement is essential—not just for your body but for your mind too. When we sit too long, our bodies produce cortisol, which can create stress and make it harder to focus. Experts recommend moving at least once an hour. Whether it’s stretching, walking, or just standing up for a bit, it helps keep your mind sharp.

What are you doing to stay active throughout your workday?

4. Organization: Planning for Success

Let’s talk about organization—something Scattered Scarlet struggles with. If you want to turn your scattered energy into productive energy, you need a plan. That means carving out time to set daily, weekly, and monthly goals that align with your bigger vision.

As simple as it sounds, creating time to plan is often the hardest step. It’s easy to get distracted by trying to please everyone else or tackle every little task. The key is efficiency and making intentional choices.

Ask yourself: Are you prioritizing the time to plan your success?

5. Focus: Small, Consistent Steps to Achieve Your Vision

Finally, focus is the secret sauce to turning your plans into reality. Consistency and small steps will get you much farther than grand, sweeping gestures. If you find yourself halfway through the year feeling exhausted or like you’ve lost track of your goals, it’s time to refocus.

Do you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve this year? If not, now’s the time to get clear on that vision and start working toward it.

SO much more is on tap for tomorrow.

Join me TOMORROW  September 23rd from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Eastern Time) for an incredible, hands-on workshop: Turn Up the Flame Without Burning Out. We’ll dive deep into everything we’ve talked about and help you stop overthinking, craft a concrete plan, and stick to a schedule.

This is going to be the most comprehensive workshop I’ve ever put together, and I’d love to see you there. 

Hurry though—spots are limited, and they’re filling up fast!

Don’t believe me. Believe my clients.

See you there.


This is the first thing you should do when you want more discipline

Three soul-searching questions to build the discipline you crave

I often get asked, “How can I be more disciplined?” So today, we’re diving into three essential tips, which are really three crucial questions. Here’s a bonus tip to kick things off: The answers you’re seeking aren’t out there—they’re already inside you. My gift is helping you unlock them.

These three questions are designed to help you break through your discipline challenges. As you read, I encourage you to comment below, message me, or even find me on social media to share your answers. Let’s have a conversation!

Also, on September 23rd, I’m hosting a special two-hour workshop that’ll go even deeper into this topic. So if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work, join me for that session!

1. What Are the Voices in Your Mind and Body Saying to Disallow Discipline?

If you’re struggling with discipline, that likely means there’s a voice in your head telling you why you can’t. Maybe it’s saying, “I’m too busy,” “I’m too tired,” or “What if I succeed?” These are limiting beliefs that disallow discipline. Take a moment to think about the narratives playing out in your head and challenge them.

2. What Are You Doing Right Now for Your Own Happiness and Fulfillment?

When we think of discipline, we often associate it with hard work, nose-to-the-grindstone mentality. But what’s really missing in the background is joy. What are you doing for your own happiness? Sometimes, focusing on fulfillment is the key to unlocking the energy and discipline you need.

A great concept I came across from Vishen Lakhiani of Mindvalley is the idea of “Blissipline”—blending bliss and discipline. If you focus on your happiness, you’ll find that the discipline naturally follows.

For example, I recorded the video part of this article because it makes me happy. It doesn’t have to be complicated!

3. What Is Your Greatest Fear If You Do What You Say You Want to Do?

This might seem like a trick question, but fear often holds us back from discipline. The reptilian brain wants to protect us and keep us safe—sometimes from our own success. Ask yourself, What am I afraid of if I succeed? When you dig deep, you’ll likely find the root cause of your resistance to discipline.

Ready for More?

These three questions are just the beginning! Join me on September 23rd for the Bold Solopreneur Workshop—where we’ll dive deep into sticking to a schedule, making a plan, and building real momentum.

You won’t want to miss it! Spots are limited, so sign up today while you can!

I’d love to hear from you: What are your answers to these three questions? Comment below or message me privately. Let’s have a real conversation about how to unlock your discipline and achieve your greatest goals.

Until next time, stay bold!

p.s. When you fully participate in the BOLD ENTREPRENEUR workshop you too can have results like Heidi. It’s a journey AND you need to START (or level up!)

Three unusual things you can do to create better boundaries

Boundaries aren’t walls

If you’re someone who’s really good at helping people, understanding them, doing the right thing, and being there for others, but you feel depleted and struggle to say no—even when you know you should—then this is for you. 

Today, we’re diving into three unusual ways to create boundaries. Quick heads-up: make sure to join me on September 9th at The Overachievers Club because we’ll be diving deeper into this topic and helping YOU with YOUR specific needs. For now, I want to walk you through some key points to help you get started and prepare for our upcoming free club meeting.

So, let’s jump in with three key questions:

1. **What is a boundary?**

2. **Why are boundaries important?**

3. **How do we create boundaries?**

**What is a boundary?**

First, let’s clear up what a boundary isn’t. A boundary isn’t a big wall that separates you from others. In fact, boundaries help you stand up for yourself. They let you articulate what’s okay with you and what isn’t. 

**Why is it important?**

When you don’t have boundaries, you struggle to say yes to yourself. And if you can’t say yes to yourself, you can’t move forward with what truly matters to you. Instead, you’re always putting others first. While caring for others is great, when it comes at the expense of your own well-being, it’s a fast track to burnout. Martyrdom leads to depletion, and if you’re depleted, you can’t do your Great Work in the world. And let’s be honest—the world needs you. You need strength and fortitude to share your unique gifts, which is why boundaries are crucial.

Now, maybe you’re thinking, “But I don’t like conflict,” or “I feel anxious about saying no.” Maybe deep down, you fear that if you set a boundary, you’ll hurt someone’s feelings, or even be abandoned. Sound familiar? These feelings are common, especially among people pleasers. But boundaries are not about creating conflict; they’re about preserving your energy and well-being so you can keep doing the things that matter most.

Three Tips for Setting Boundaries

1. Start Small

You don’t have to leap into setting huge boundaries right away. Start small. For example, with the holidays coming up, maybe instead of enduring a full week of family gatherings with NO break, you carve out a couple of hours for yourself to do exactly what YOU desire, without others. Gradually, these small changes build momentum, and over time, you’ll develop stronger boundary-setting habits.

2. Self-Care is Essential

When you start setting boundaries, make sure you pair it with self-care. This doesn’t have to be extravagant. It can be as simple as a 15-minute walk or taking time to stretch or read. Whatever it is, make sure you prioritize what feels good for you. Self-care is your foundation. Not sure how to begin? Ask yourself “what do I need most at this moment?” Do that.

3. Avoid Ultimatums 

Instead of making it an all-or-nothing scenario, try opening up a conversation. For example, instead of saying, “We go on this vacation or we never vacation again,” you could say, “I see why you like this vacation idea, but here’s what doesn’t work for me. How can we create an experience that works for both of us?” By opening a dialogue, you’re not only setting a boundary but also inviting collaboration.

Bonus Tip: When you ask questions that start with “What if…” or “How can we…”, you’re fostering an open conversation rather than giving ultimatums. This approach can lead to better outcomes for both parties.

A Personal Story

Boundaries are so important, especially when it comes to human interactions. I’m currently working with a wonderful client who runs a firm and often finds themselves in situations where they need to set boundaries. This person has a tendency to be a people pleaser and struggles with delivering tough news. But as they practice setting boundaries, they’re becoming a stronger leader. It’s amazing to watch the transformation that happens when someone starts honoring their own needs. Boundaries aren’t just a skill; they’re the beginning of a beautiful manifestation of who you want to be in the world. And that’s powerful.

So, on this beautiful September day, I encourage you to start thinking about where you need to set boundaries in your life. And remember—you’re worth it! Set boundaries, love yourself, and say yes to the right things and no to the wrong things (whatever that means for you).

I can’t wait to see you on September 9th for The Overachievers Club. Until then, take care and keep setting those boundaries!