
Mastering the art of productivity, procrastination, patience, and perspective: unveiled

Shifting perspective: Harnessing the power of time and consistency

Today we will delve into the intricate dance of productivity, procrastination, patience, and perspective. Procrastination is a familiar “foe” to us all.  We find ourselves caught in its grip more often than we’d like to admit. Have you ever stopped to ponder why it happens? Often, it’s because we lack clarity. Take, for instance, that specialist doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. It’s not that you don’t want to do it; something’s just holding you back. And oftentimes, that something is a lack of clarity about what you truly want. That’s where the free guide on comes in handy. Download the free resource to unscatter your entrepreneurial life and gain crystal-clear clarity on your goals and aspirations….you may find that you have already done this but perhaps got sidetracked in filling it out. No worries, just start again 🙂

Before we go deeper, are you coming tomorrow to WISDOM WARRIORS to get your butt in gear? Move those lunchtime plans. Nothing is more important than YOU and YOUR progress!

Now, let’s talk about patience and perspective. Picture this: you’re discussing your career aspirations, feeling frustrated about not being where you want to be. Here’s the thing—success often operates on a longer timeline. Instead of fixating on short-term goals, think of the big picture. Give yourself three years to achieve your dreams. It’s not about rushing; it’s about consistent effort over time. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are your dreams. Take small, consistent steps, and allow yourself the gift of patience.

And speaking of perspective, it’s all about embracing the journey. Sometimes, the path to success takes unexpected turns. And that’s the beauty of it. Embrace the twists and turns, make tweaks along the way, and watch as your dreams unfold in ways you never imagined. Sounds easy. Not easy. We want it NOW! Right??? Ugh, I get it. The voices in your head may be saying “I can’t wait, I have bills to pay!” “I can’t wait, I don’t want to be a SLACKER!”

GOOD NEWS: You can act right now. Faster results are coming, as early as TOMORROW.

Tomorrow,  March 4th, we’re diving deep into tackling procrastination at Wisdom Warriors, absolutely free. If you’re craving more personalized support to accelerate your progress, reach out to me directly. Whether you’re aiming for rapid results or prefer a longer timeline, there’s a path for you. Let’s navigate this journey together.

In the meantime, soak up that early March sun and relish in the beauty of the present moment. New England in early March truly is a sight to behold. Can’t wait to catch up with you all soon!


Unveiling the procrastination puzzle: Strategies to transform dreams into action

Deciphering overwhelm: Navigating the path to prioritization

BEFORE WE CLOSE THE DOORS on FEBRUARY…..Please be reminded that on March 4th, we’re diving deep into eliminating or significantly reducing procrastination at Wisdom Warriors. So make sure you’re all signed up! And in advance of that, let’s chat about a powerful way to combat procrastination today.

This brilliant strategy I want to share came up during a recent podcast interview I did with Samantha Foote, focusing on neurodivergent parents and individuals. Now, remember, you don’t have to be neurodivergent to benefit from these insights, but they can be particularly insightful. So be sure to check out that podcast.

Now, let’s talk about our big dreams. Remember just a few weeks back (6-8 weeks, early JAN?)  when we were firing on all cylinders, setting ambitious goals left and right? I’ll never forget when my 22-year-old son decided he was going to embrace veganism, start running every morning at 5 am, and meditate religiously. Sound familiar? It’s the classic case of biting off more than we can chew.

Here’s the thing – our brains love to do it all and do it now. We have these massive dreams, but sometimes they’re so big that they overwhelm us. And let’s be real, those middle steps? Not always easy to navigate.

Before we dive into strategies, let’s also acknowledge that sometimes what we need most is rest. Slowing down to speed up is a game-changer that many of us overlook. Rest is not the enemy; it’s a necessity. Whether it’s sleep, time away from screens, or simply taking a walk outside, prioritize rest.

Now, onto the strategy I want to share, which we’ll explore further on March 4th. It involves breaking down those big dreams into small, manageable steps. But first, we need to silence those voices in our heads that belittle small steps as “slacker” moves. Trust me, they’re not.

Grab a blank sheet of paper or a whiteboard and start with a brain dump. Write down everything you’ve got on your mind. Then, categorize them into different areas – health, business, family, etc. Now comes the fun part. Arrange them in piles and ask yourself, “What’s calling to me right now?” Trust your intuition to guide you to your highest priorities.

And if you’re struggling to choose, consider factors like importance, duration, and cost (I review this in detail in the video). Focus on what’s important, short in duration, and low in cost first. This method ensures you tackle what truly matters without feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of your dreams.

Now, remember, there’s a special surprise in store for March 4th. But even if you can’t make it, there’ll be plenty of valuable content and opportunities for growth. So mark your calendars and I’ll see you then! 

procrastination Productivity Uncategorised

From procrastination to productivity: Unleash your inner Wisdom Warrior

Discover practical strategies to break free from procrastination and thrive

Do you find yourself procrastinating? 

Is this something that you would like to change? 

Most people that I speak with, the answer to both of those things is, yes, I do procrastinate and I would like to change that. 

Here is a simple exercise that probably you hadn’t thought about. Very simple, and I love simplicity because when things are simple, then they get done. 

  1. Pull out a piece of paper and follow along with me. If not now, save this video and come back to it. The first thing to do with your piece of paper is make a T chart. We’re going to be taking a look at our energy.

Our energy is directly related to our time and how we choose to spend it, which is directly related to procrastinating or not procrastinating.

  1. On the top of the whiteboard (page), write the word “energy”. On the left side of your T chart, put a plus. Those are things that give you energy on this side. On the right, put a minus. Those are the things that take away your energy. When you think of these things, do not confine yourself to “work” things. 

If you are a solopreneur like myself, you may be thinking of things like, “oh God, I hate sales.” That might drain you of energy. How we do anything is how we do everything. 

So if your mother drains you of energy, write her down. If your sister drains you of energy, write her down.  You don’t judge. 

Now, what gives you energy? Maybe when you can just watch a movie and relax, that gives you energy. What else? Running? Sleeping late?  There’s no judgment to any of this, and you write it all down.

  1. Next, circle one thing that takes away your energy and get really specific about it. For example, let’s just say your mother takes away your energy. Well, what about your mother that takes away your energy? Consider this story. Maybe when  you go to visit her for Sunday dinner, you feel like a little kid again. You feel yourself getting into some old patterns that make you feel “less than” and you don’t like it. And you go to sleep with kind of a pit in your stomach. 

There’s power in writing this down. That’s the step of Acceptance before a Solution. Acth out for the pitfall of NOT writing “it” down because you do not have a SOLUTION. 

Say you visit mom on Sunday, and you wake up Monday morning and you aren’t yourself, BUT you still want to see your mom. Now you can consider solutions. Perhaps you find a day to go out for lunch. That way, you’re not at her house anymore. We don’t have those memories. We don’t have those old patterns as much that would creep up. 

When going out for lunch, it’s a finite amount of time. It’s on neutral ground, and you still have the rest of the workday.  You’ll have more energy potentially over the weekend. 

By Sunday night or Monday morning, you go to plan your week, you HAVE MORE ENERGY! There’s time management for you. You hopefully have filled your weekend with energy filling activities and doing that. Guess what will give you that more energy? All of these things will help you love yourself more. 

February 14 was Valentine’s Day…the day we remember how much love affects our lives.

I received a beautiful message this morning from a dear friend of mine saying how much she valued me and my unconditional acceptance of her wherever she was in her journey. I realized that that’s my superpower. What is YOURS?

As I think through some of my more special clients, it’s when we get so deep in our relationship where they can begin to unconditionally love themselves. I have a deep belief in them. I have a deep belief in you. It’s just that only some of you are meant to be in my circle. Will you be next?

In conclusion, when you want to stop procrastinating as much, slow down and take a look at what’s happening in your energy field, what’s giving you energy, what’s taking away your energy, and work on each one very slowly. There are many more steps and further, deep inquiry in this process. And this is a really, really great beginning!

Don’t forget that the first Monday of March Wisdom Warriors, we are going to be talking about procrastination and how to eliminate it. We have a different topic every month.  Come for yourself and be surprised and delighted with our amazing free community. 

You will be able to lean on one another and when you want to take the next step, I hope to have room for you in my programs. So as you’re doing this, ask yourself, am I ready for a revelation? Am I done messing around? If you are, please talk to me, because on the other side, it’s amazing and I’d love for you to be with me, and I’d love for you to be with you for a change. Thank you. We’ll see you on March 4th.


Finding your flow: Unleashing creativity in a hustle culture

Transforming burnout into efficiency with a practical roadmap

Entrepreneurial Leaders often fall into this illusion:
Nonstop hard work is the key to success. You see…they love the THING they’re doing so much that they tell themselves (and me) “ I don’t mind. It’s not about the money. I just love what I do.”

Go, go, go is the recipe for burnout, not brilliance. The truth is, hard work is important and time out isn’t just beneficial, it’s essential.
When entrepreneurial leaders balance that drive with creativity and rest, something extraordinary happens.

The impact doesn’t just increase. It soars. Your real strength lies not in the hustle: the “bang, bang, bang, got to do it, got to be more productive, got to fit it all in.” That’s the way for a headache. What you really want is something some people call balance. I call it the way I want to live my life. My life as an entrepreneurial leader is all one. I don’t have life over here and work over here. It’s all intertwined, all the time.

So, let’s dive into eight stages to help you navigate this journey. Please find yourself in one or more of the stages.

Stage One: Deeply Consider Yourself. Recognize that you might be or have been in burnout. You keep tapping out. Feeling drained, but not constantly? Maybe you don’t have much energy but you keep going, as you have no choice? It’s a nasty trick as burnout does not mean you are in a depressive state….you just literally never get a break for more than a day.

Stage Two: Rest. You don’t have time, I know. Do it anyhow.

Stage Three: Rest deeply. If you “go, go, go” all the time, and you have been doing this all your life, keep resting. Make it a non-negotiable priority.

Stage Four: Create open space for yourself—physically, mentally, emotionally. Lay on the grass and stare up. Watch water drip from icicles. Watch the tide. Listen to the breeze. Be “present.” Stop thinking so much; just feel the air.

Stage Five: Allow newfound creativity. Rest creates creativity, which is essential.

Stage Six: Flow. It’s where the magic happens, just like a river. As the River Goddess, I am in full support of FLOWING! Where are you in flow? Where are you out of Flow? When we’re rested, we have some open space, and we have that creativity and that flow, now we can do our great work in the world.

Stage Seven: It’s time now for Time management. Don’t make the mistake of trying to do this earlier, in times of stress and strife. Embrace your rest and allow your creativity. Then time management is easy!

Stage Eight: Efficiency. Now and only now can we be efficient. We can’t be efficient when we’re exhausted…. we can barely keep our eyes open. We THINK we have to, yet, it’s just the world telling us that that’s how we have to be. Allow this step to come as it makes sense.

Stage Nine: Embrace. Embrace your result, your balance, your wholeness.

People don’t hire me because I can help them be more efficient. Although that may be what they think. People hire me because I help them become whole.

One of my most favorite clients Husain, said was about as organized as a cotton ball on fire before we began working together.. And sure, I helped him get organized. This is true. But what I really helped him do was to feel whole.
Through our work together, he got out of self-hatred and into self-love, through giving himself some space, deep rest, and the productivity success cake process. He even created a whole song series around the cake. You need a way to tap into yourself.

These eight steps- going from burnout to rest, to deep rest, to open space, to newfound creativity, to flow, to time management, to efficiency, and then finally to who you really are, which is sometimes called balance, is a complete game changer.

Husain drew me as the beacon of light. At the top of the drawing he wrote: see my joy, feel my love. It’s the essence of what I do for people. One of my most favorite things these days is to draw out your powerful story. When we draw out your powerful story, you begin to love yourself and appreciate yourself for who you are and what you are.

Reach out to me. I’m here for you. I don’t want you to be burned out. I know you don’t want you to be burned out. I know you want to be your creative, most amazing, powerful self. You think you want to be more productive, and you will be more productive. The first step is to recognize where you are, to give yourself that rest, to give yourself that creativity time. While it sounds easy, there’s a lot of places where we can get pulled back. So that’s where I come in. I help you stay on course, I help you bring it out. It would be my honor to have a conversation with you to find out what would really work for you. I look forward to meeting you, seeing you blessing you, hearing your story, walking your journey with you.


Throw out your to-do list: Carol’s fiery rebellion against mundanity

‘To Be’ Magic Unleashed – Break free from the chains of procrastination!

Throw away your to-do list. 

Did you read that right? How can somebody who’s been known as a time management/productivity guru/get-it-done kind of girl tell you to throw away your to-do list?

To-do lists aren’t all evil, but let’s be real – they often lead us down the rabbit hole of mundane tasks that don’t exactly light a fire in our hearts. Grocery shopping, insurance calls – yawn! And we all know where that leads: Procrastination City. Who wants to deal with that?

So, what if I told you about the magic of a “to be” list? Picture this: A list focused not on what you have to do but on who you want to be. Remember those childhood dreams of what you wanted to become when you grew up? We’re tapping into that magic.

Creating a “to be” list gives you permission to be more, dream bigger, love deeper. Sure, the naysayers may chime in, but we don’t play in that negativity. When you decide to BE instead of DO, you unlock a world of possibilities.

Now, here’s the game plan – decide and discern. Message me privately, and let’s kickstart that journey for you. Once you discern, your “to be” list starts taking shape. It’s not just a future condition; it’s about allowing your true self to shine.

For example, my “to be” is the dream director of the Beacon of Light Center. Sounds fluffy, right? Breaking it down, I channel that dream by doing visionary work. It’s a to-do list item, but a way better and bigger one.

However, you might still be stuck in the to-do list chaos. No worries! Join my free UnScatter Me community – the place where we support one another without shame.

Oh, and mark your calendars – February 5th at noon Eastern. We’re diving deep into something unsexy but crucial: accountability. It’s your free pass to an hour of wisdom on making a big impact this year. No catch, just showing up and being inspired.

So, here’s the game plan: 

  1. Ditch the to-do,
  2. Embrace the to-be, 
  3. Break it down
  4. Add a sprinkle of accountability

Because you, my friend, are a beacon of light, and the world is counting on you. The world is counting on you to not think small, to not be small. You are not small, you are infinite, you are pure potential. I believe in you and I will see you on Monday.

See you on Monday, bring your friends, and until then, be well, do good work, and stay in touch.