
Journey to Mastery: Lessons from a year of unforeseen twists

Exploring the transformative power of adapting goals, balancing giving and receiving, and investing in personal growth

This marks our final vlog video of 2023. I’m taking a break from December 25th to January 1st, spending quality time with loved ones, myself, and indulging in some festive celebrations—all while hoping to stay healthy. It’s crucial to take some time off and engage in activities that deeply nurture and nourish you.

Reflecting on what made me successful in 2023, I began by redefining success early in the year. Despite having ambitious goals, such as organizing another nature retreat and launching a women’s leadership mastermind, unforeseen circumstances in quarter two—my father’s fall—altered my plans. This prompted a re-evaluation of my priorities and a necessary shift in my definition of success.

While I didn’t achieve the anticipated income, I learned a valuable lesson about receiving support. I allowed the man I love to assist me, recognizing that the ability to give is enhanced by the willingness to receive. This realization underscored the importance of balance for all the givers out there.

Another key to my success was saying ‘yes’ to a solution beyond my own understanding. I joined a high-level coaching program. This decision is shaping the stage for future success by redefining how I approach coaching and integrating new elements into my life.

Looking ahead to 2024, expect more profound questions from me. Let’s begin now.

What is the miracle that you want to create -that you don’t even think that you’re capable of? 

I invite you to contemplate and journal about it, with the hope that you carry this introspection into January and manifest it. On January 8th, join me for a workshop with impactful questions to set the tone for your upcoming year.

Whether you’re a scattered entrepreneur, a business owner, a company executive juggling multiple responsibilities, or a C-suite manager trying to find balance, this workshop aims to help you focus and tackle tasks with impact. Wishing you peace, love, joy, and the manifestation of big miracles. Have a fantastic end to 2023, and I look forward to seeing you on January 8th.


2024 Manifesto: Building habits, achieving dreams, and embracing accountability

Unveiling the power of incremental progress for dreamers and achievers

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of “Carol’s Tips and Inspiration.” Today, let’s chat about something we all can relate to within this cool community—whether you’re into my blogs, emails, or videos. So, you’re probably hustling as an entrepreneur, rocking with AD/HD, or just a busy leader trying to level up. You know the deal—lots to do, not enough time, and maybe feeling a bit bummed about dreams not taking off.

Well, guess what? This talk is tailor-made for you because those big dreams of yours. They’re super important. And here’s the twist—making them happen is all about taking itty bitty steps. Think of it like cracking a puzzle; you gotta break it down. 

First tip: break things into doable pieces. Key move? Focus on those small, achievable bits.

Now, imagine this scenario: New Year’s Day, you’re all pumped to kick off an exercise routine. Instead of going mad with weights, running, and yoga (starting from being a couch potato) and then crashing and burning, simply do small bits. Do stuff that motivates you. A little bit at a time. Then get that traction. 

Motivation is the secret sauce. But how?

Next tip: Bring the future into the now. Picture the “future you” who feels awesome when fit. Use that image to resist the cake or Netflix temptation, and tell yourself, “Okay, I’ll have that slice, but tomorrow I’m going for a walk.” And when you hit that resistance and think, “Ugh, this is too much,” it means your goal is too big. Instead, turn it into a habit. Pop on your walkin’ clothes and stroll for just five minutes. Your brain might protest, “Five minutes? That won’t do squat!” True, not much physically, but it rewires your brain. Trust me, I heard it from a brain scientist!

Consistency is where it’s at. Keep a journal, jot down your habits, why they matter, and your feelings. Reward yourself, ’cause who doesn’t love prizes, right?

Third tip: Accountability is the real MVP. When you’ve got a walking buddy or someone to chat with on the phone during your stroll, it makes the whole thing way more fun.

To wrap it up: Dream big, break it down, jot it down, and grab a buddy for the ride. What’s gonna happen? Traction. No need to wait for New Year’s—start building those healthy habits now. Wanna join my 33 Days of Habits? Jump in anytime; you’ll still feel the good vibes. And mark your calendar for Jan 8th—we’re kicking off the ‘Reclaim 2024‘ workshop. Habits or not, just show up, and let’s make those big dreams happen in 2024!

I’ve got some epic dreams for 2024, and I’m rooting for yours to come true too!


Navigating Life’s Chaos: A strategic guide to prioritizing and thriving

Unlocking the power of choices, timers, and self-care for a balanced and fulfilling journey

“Gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta do this, gotta do that—feeling like I’m drowning. Ever been there? Drowning in a sea of tasks, wondering, ‘How do I tackle it all? How?’

Life’s a wild whirlwind, but what if I said doing everything might not be the fix? You might ask, ‘Okay, then what’s the secret? What do I do?’ Right? What’s the secret?

Your answer…

It’s about choices, and choices pack a punch. Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Grab a notebook, jot down what’s swirling in your head, vying for attention. 
  2. Then, rate them by importance. If they’re all crucial (some may not be), but if they are, score them from 1 to 10. 
  3. Once that’s done, you’ll likely have a bunch of tens or at least some. Take those tens, and ask, ‘What happens if I don’t do these?’ Depending on the fallout, prioritize them. 
  4. Then, take a weekly calendar and plot it out. List all you’ve got to do, including the essentials like sleep, meals, exercise, and self-care (super crucial—walking, breathing, meditation, yoga, or maybe chiropractic care). Don’t forget kids and family.
  5. After that, what’s left? Work stuff, clients, obligations. You might think, ‘Not enough time. How do I get it all done?’ Well, maybe you don’t need to do it all right now. 

It’s fantastic because with limited time, you can focus wholly on your top priority. Grab a timer, make it fun,, and work through it. Put the other tasks aside; you can only do one thing at a time. Trust me, you won’t get bored doing one thing at a time. If you’re AD/HD, you can multitask in your mind with some music. It works. Ignite your brain, tackle one thing at a time with a timer, and reward yourself.

Let me know how the above process works for you. This is a game-changer.

In summary….life’s an experiment. It won’t be perfect all the time. Newsflash—no matter who you listen to, whether it’s me or someone else. When you view life as an experiment, treat your business as a massive experiment—one you adore and allows you to do what you want—then fitting it all in stops being a worry. Instead, focus on the crucial stuff, let some go, and move on.

Slowly but surely.


Have a blast.

Make every moment count.