Planning Productivity

Breaking Free Together: Unleashing your productivity potential this December!

Habits to get you through the holidays….YOUR way

Feeling stuck? The struggle is real—I get it. The desire for an amazing business, the intention to be productive, but the inertia seems insurmountable. Procrastination, fear, and anxiety tag along like unwelcome companions, and suddenly, December is knocking at the door.

But fear not, my friends! We’re breaking free, together. It’s time to ditch the perfectionism that keeps us paralyzed. Those self-deprecating lies we tell ourselves? No more. “I’ve never done it consistently before, so why bother?”—let’s discard that notion.

If you resonate with this struggle (and I’ve heard from some of you who do), what you need are some wins. You’re tired of those nagging voices holding you back, right? Well, here’s the game plan—however, you choose to execute it.

Mark your calendars for Monday, December 4th. I’m hosting a ‘Habits to Get You Through the Holidays’ special Wisdom Warriors session at 12 pm noon Eastern time, and guess what? It’s free.

We’re diving into holiday survival habits because, let’s face it, the holidays can be overwhelming. I’ve been there. I’ve got my set of habits that work, and I’m eager to share them with you. Afterward, we’ll open the floor for discussion—what’s been working for you?

I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I’ve conquered my fears, ditched the white-knuckling, and embraced proactivity. Believe it or not, I’ve even started saying ‘no’ to things, much to the surprise of my family.

Are you ready for a change? Picture waking up on January 1st with a resounding “YES!” That’s the goal.

So, join me on December 4th at 12 noon Eastern. Share in the discussion—what’s the one thing you wish you could change this month? Let’s bring it in and make December a month of victories.


Own Your Groove: A guide to dodging self-sabotage and rocking the holiday season

Don’t be your Own Speedbump!

Hey there, festive soul! While you’re basking in its afterglow of Thanksgiving, let me share a secret with you: the holiday season doesn’t have to be a stress-inducing rollercoaster. In fact, it can be the dance floor of joy and success. Today, I’ve got five killer moves to help you dodge the self-sabotage blues and set the stage for a fantastic holiday season and an even better year ahead. But wait, there’s more—I’ll also spill the beans on a special event you won’t want to miss.

Before we dive in….IF YOU ARE NOT A WISDOM WARRIOR ALREADY, be sure to sign up because a week from Monday there is a ridiculous special treat coming your way….to ease all that stress, weight gain, etc: REGISTER HERE NOW.

And now…onto the groovy steps!

1. Make a Plan: Turn Your Plans into a Dance Routine

I know, making plans can feel like a chore. And you don’t follow it, right? It’s okay. Make one anyway. Big plans, small steps. That is your secret, okay? Here’s the scoop: big plans, small steps. Turn that plan into a dance routine you can’t resist. Let the beats guide you through the holiday hustle.

2. Commit Like a Superstar: Dial Up to 10/10

Commitment isn’t always a walk in the park. Ever said,  “I can’t commit a 10 because look, I’ve failed all these times?” That’s kind of messed up, yet, we all do it. So don’t do that. Instead, just simply say, “You know what? This time I’m going to commit to it, and yeah, I’ve failed a gazillion times. So what?” That helps us dial up the commitment to a 10 out of 10. Forget past setbacks; commit like it’s the first time. Small steps, big dreams—that’s the secret sauce.

3. Don’t Forget About You: Get Closer to 60%

In the whirlwind of family, festivities, and drama, don’t neglect yourself. Even 55% is better than zero. Take small steps toward self-care. Shake off the drama, and open yourself up to the dance moves of happiness.

4. Own It: Say Goodbye to Neglect

It’s time to take charge. Stop neglecting your needs. No more “I’ll do it when…”. Own your life now. Book that massage, take care of yourself, and stop putting things off. The holidays are a great excuse to neglect yourself. It’s the season of giving. HINT: Make it a non negotiable to Give to Yourself First. And that does not mean “oh great I’ll have that extra food I know I’ll regret.” It means “I’m gonna treat my body with respect. I’m gonna treat MY TIME with respect.” That’s self care 🙂

5. Dance to Your Plan: Say Hello to the Rhythm

Throw a self-dance party and bid farewell to self-sabotage. Dance to the rhythm of your plan. Energy flows where attention goes. Shake off the blues and welcome the positive vibes. Even…and especially…when you don’t feel like it. Lay down for a 20 min pity party then say 3 things you are grateful for…and then smile and lift your arms up in the mirror. Give yourself that high 5 in the mirror and laugh at how silly it is.

Then, if you dare, be like Crazy Coach Carol and…DANCE LIKE NOBODY’S WATCHING.

**Special Event Alert: “Habits to Get You Through the Holidays” on December 4th**

Mark your calendars for December 4th, 12 pm to 1 pm Eastern, for a special treat. Join me for a special Wisdom Warriors: “Habits to Get You Through the Holidays” and set yourself up for success next year. It’s a rare chance to snag some free wisdom and make your holidays truly joyous.

Remember, you’re worth putting yourself first. Join me on December 4th, and let’s groove our way into a fabulous holiday season together!

PS:. Check out more tips on my YouTube Channel. Let’s keep the positive vibes flowing!

PPS: Like podcasts instead? This is a fun one if you feel that “hamster wheel” feeling…particularly as a coach LISTEN HERE.


Taking control of the future while feeling confident and capable

YES! It’s possible to be proud of yourself, even with a neurodiverse brain

Today, we’re delving into a subject close to my heart — seizing control of the future while embracing the ADHD-friendly approach. Buckle up for a ride filled with fantastic tips to boost your confidence and take pride in every quirk and sparkle you bring to the entrepreneurial table.

Whether you identify as neurodiverse, ADHD, or simply consider yourself different and quirky, this is the place to be! You’ll enhance your organization and overall awesomeness. So, let’s dive in and make this journey a truly enjoyable one. ADHD often brings a heightened sense of creativity, resilience, and adaptability.

Here are some concepts to hold tight to your chest as you walk into the unknown.

Firstly, let’s revel in the magic of daydreaming. Envision a world where your quirks are your superpowers. Take a moment, close your eyes, and let your mind wander into a future where your unique frame takes center stage — because, believe me, it does. 

Next, let’s talk about the concept of micro-moments. Break down those big goals into micro-goals, like uncovering tiny treasures. Managing your time can be a joyous rainbow — consider color-coding your schedule, adding stickers, or diving into the creative adventure that is your bullet journal (BoJo).

Finally, don’t skip, let’s celebrate those quirks and superpowers. Your neurodiversity isn’t a hurdle; it’s a superpower. Grab those sparklers, revel in those light bulb moments, and proudly showcase your unique brilliance. In our neurodiverse world, every high five is a victory dance, and every quirk is a badge of honor.


So many folks I run into get “caught up” in this “Do I have it? Not have it?” DO NOT GET SO CAUGHT UP IN THIS. If these strategies work for you, I invite you to allow them to work and not overanalyze why!

And that’s a wrap on today’s journey towards a future where your neurodiversity isn’t just ‘okay’; it’s absolutely fantastic. Be your own magic, dance to your own rhythm, and remember, your journey is uniquely yours — filled with sparks of brilliance. I am willing to bet that at least 50% of all entrepreneurs have this brilliant mind. So join us in your unscatterme facebook community and let’s support each other!

Until next time, stay colorful, stay awesome, and keep rocking those superpowers.
Goal Setting Organization Planning Productivity productivity in the workplace Time strategies

15 ways to make sure your goal is not lost in chaos

It’s not too late to have more peace than you think in 2023.

Not even two months left in 2023! Lately, this has been hitting me right over the top of my head: “I want to finish 2023 strong so that I’m ready for the new year.” What better time as we welcome fall, and we are being grateful here in this month of gratitude, Thanksgiving, than to really take a look at where we are in our lives. 

As we get ready to turn the page for 2024, what do we really want and why? 

I’m going to take you through the tried, true, and iterative process of my signature system, the Productivity Success Cake, that has helped so many people become more focused, organized, and productive; and to get out of their own way and finally have the peace and prosperity they really want. So here, as a reminder, here’s what it looks like.

That’s the Productivity Success Cake system. Living the life that you really want is better than baking a cake & is calorie free. 

I invite you to take your pencil or pen out and write the answers to these questions, and then send these to me in an email ( and let me know what your ‘ahas’ were and I can help you create a perfect plan for you.

We’re going to go through each and every piece in the Productivity Success Cake, and I’m going to invite you to rate yourself. We’re going to start at the bottom of the Success Cake, and, before we begin, let’s discover what the  Productivity Success Cake is and why I did it the way I did it. 

I have been in business since 2009, and when I began my business (I began it as a professional organizer and productivity consultant and trainer), I realized that when people weren’t as organized and productive as they thought they would love to be, there were usually some underlying reasons. To tie the most common reasons together, in early 2020 I created the Productivity Success Cake system. I organized these by layer: the first layer is Health, the second is Environment. Then (and only then), if our Health and our Environment is strong enough we can layer on Productivity.  After that (and  there’s more because there’s always more!) and better sharpening the saw and it should all be wrapped up with your purpose.The Productivity Success Cake is a framework system. Although ‘system’ and ‘recipe’ does have something to do with it, it’s mostly just fun and it’s a beautiful visual way to see where you are and what you want, and it gives you that happiness and joy.

Follow along and rate yourself! 

You can also do this on my website HERE.

FIRST: Health layer. 

  1. STATEMENT: Food piece: The statement is “The food I eat supports my body in a perfect way”. Score 1 is very false and to score 10 is very true. So just pick where you rate yourself against that statement.
  2. STATEMENT:  Exercise piece: The statement is “I exercise to the degree that has me feeling good, energetic and supports my health and fitness needs fully”. Score 1 is very false and 10 is very true. 
  3. STATEMENT: Meditation piece: “I meditate, pray, or spend time alone in silence on a regular basis.” Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true. 
  4. STATEMENT: Sleep piece: “I get at least seven hours of sleep per night. I wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated.”  Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true.
  5. STATEMENT: Medication piece: “I take my prescribed medication and or supplements and vitamins to create an ideal container for my mind and body to soar.” Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true. 

NEXT: Environment Layer. 

  1. STATEMENT: Physical environment piece: “My physical environment supports my thinking, clarity, inspiration, and productivity.” Score 1 is very false and 10 is very true. 
  2. STATEMENT: Goals piece: “The goals I have are one very motivational and meaningful to me, and two, crystal clear and succinct.” 1 is very false and 10 is very true. 
  3. STATEMENT: Circles Of Support piece: “I have a circle of support:  close family, friends, clubs, groups, church, etc.” How do you feel about having a  circle of support? 1 is very false and 10 is very true.
  4. STATEMENT: Light your light piece:  “I light my light. I am clear about my purpose in the worldWhether it’s work for pay through volunteering in a club or with a solo endeavor, MY environment and activities support me in keeping my candle lit from within.” Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true. 

NEXT: Productivity layer.

  1. STATEMENT: Power Focus piece: “I have a system to limit the scope of my task or project.” (For example, your system could be do / delegate / drop). “I can stay focused and then take breaks. I do not overcommit and then get exhausted on a regular basis.”  Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true. 
  2. STATEMENT: Remembering to remember piece: “I have systems and external support so that I remember to remember most of the time I am not feeling like I am always dropping the ball.  I am following through.”  Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true. 
  3. STATEMENT: Procrastination piece: “I have procrastination under control.” Score 1 is very false, 10 is very true
  4. STATEMENT: Time and tasks: “I have a system from managing my time and energy and priorities that works for me. I get things done as I’d like to do them. I feel very good, really good. What gets done and to the quality which it does. I set appointments, I show up on time and I am fully present. My time management feels clear and peaceful to me and supports my larger goals and purpose”. 1 is very false and 10 is very true.  
  5. STATEMENT: Accountability Layer:  I rely upon trusted partners to keep me accountable externally so that I do not have to rely solely on my internal regulator and staying on track and being accountable to my goals and priorities”. 1 is very false and 10 is very true. 
  6. FROSTING: Calorie free “why” frosting. Think about it and write to me at or direct message me what your icing is.  What’s your purpose that holds all your layers together? What is your purpose for building and baking your cake? What comments do you have about where you are right now in this process, or any aha’s that came to you during this time of layer of evaluation?

Here’s the thing. We’re looking for “quick and easy” things just like losing weight. With intermittent fasting you may be able to lose 20 pounds in two weeks,  but whatever you do, it takes mindfulness, evaluation, step-by-step, a plan and accountability. Maybe that’s not sexy, but it sure as heck can be fun!  That’s why I created and have people implement the Productivity Success Cake framework. It works because it’s fun, and because it’s visual – and the people that I serve are fun, crazy artists, creators, visual, and they love being a little kooky just like me, and it Just Works. 

So I invite you to let me know what you have taken away from this. 

What were your biggest ‘ahas’ in doing this?


3 things to give up to take control of your life and work as an entrepreneur

Just keep juggling. Right?

Do you ever feel like you’re juggling a dozen different tasks and responsibilities, desperately trying to find that elusive work-life balance? As an entrepreneur, achieving equilibrium between your personal and professional life can seem like an impossible feat. But here’s the truth – it’s not about achieving balance; it’s about finding harmony in the chaos. In this article, I’ll address three key things you need to give up to regain control over your life and work as an entrepreneur.

1. Embrace the Unbalanced Life:

The first thing to give up is the idea of finding a perfect work-life balance. The reality is, there is no “balance” in the conventional sense when you’re navigating the demanding world of entrepreneurship. Embrace the fact that you’ll often be off balance, and that’s okay. Life as an entrepreneur is inherently unbalanced because your work is your life and vice versa. The key is to find a rhythm that works for you. And change your rhythm when the music changes!

2. Prioritize and Delegate:

The second thing to give up is the belief that you can do it all. Trying to do everything yourself will lead to burnout and frustration. To live a longer, more peaceful life, you must learn to prioritize your tasks and delegate when necessary. This doesn’t mean giving up control; it means strategically allocating your time and resources to the most critical aspects of your work and life.

3. Put Yourself First:

Lastly, it’s time to give up the habit of putting yourself last. Neglecting your own well-being is a recipe for disaster. If you’re running on empty, you won’t find success in your personal or professional life. Remember, you’re not being selfish by taking care of yourself; you’re ensuring that you have the energy and resilience to tackle your entrepreneurial challenges effectively.

Join me on Monday, November 6th, at noon Eastern for a deeper dive into these topics during our Wisdom Warriors session. We’ll discuss strategies to tackle these issues head-on and create a more fulfilling and harmonious life as an entrepreneur.


In the meantime, let’s GET STARTED & talk about task prioritization. As “Productivity Guru”, I often find that keeping things simple works best. During a recent session with my “Discover Your Greatness” cohort, we explored different techniques for prioritizing tasks using the Productivity Success Cake system. I encouraged participants to identify what truly matters and focus their efforts on those areas.

One participant had a specific question about keeping certain tasks visible without cluttering their workspace. We brainstormed solutions, including using clear folders and other organizational tools. The key is to find what works best for you and ensures that you stay on top of your priorities.

Remember, perfection is not the goal. Embrace the idea that you can focus on one thing at a time. Start your day by identifying what’s important, beyond the surface level. By doing this, you’ll uncover the answers you need to achieve your goals.

I look forward to illuminating your path to success and providing some personalized hot seat coaching during our Wisdom Warriors session. If you prefer to observe and learn from others, that’s absolutely fine. Feel free to share what’s challenging you in your pursuit of a peaceful, easy life where you feel in control.

Let’s work together to make your entrepreneurial journey more manageable, fulfilling, and enjoyable. Your path to a harmonious life begins with taking these steps, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to join us on November 6th)

In the meantime, hit reply and tell me what’s getting in your way of having a beautiful, peaceful, easy life that you feel in control of? 

I can’t wait to see you.