
YES – I want to Simplify my Life in 2021- I cannot allow the Swirl of the World to define me

After Mastering Your Mindset (see last blog), the next step is…to take a step!

When my clients start to Streamline and Vision, their minds go big and grandiose really quickly. It’s either that, or we are barely getting off the starting line. And there’s a lot of middle ground to cover.

To create the right steps for you, start here.

  1. Define the end result. (Hint, go big, then consider “what can I change in 90 days?) You want the “end result” to be a stretch, yet manageable).
  2. After you have landed on your end result, ask, “what’s the step before that?”
  3. Once you have the step before the end result defined, ask yourself, “what’s the step before that?”
  4. Continue this process for as long as you need to until you arrive at “today.”

Small steps create big results. But not all at once. You CAN have it all, yes…. just…not ALL.AT.ONCE. It’s one of our biggest issues. We get excited, we start, we go along, then “life throws us a curveball” and that’s the end of it. Someone gets sick. It’s a holiday. It’s “the holidays.” We lose our electricity. Our mom pays us a surprise visit. Who knows? Excuses are easy.

Grit is hard. Focusing ahead to discover what might get in your way is a game changer. A common misconception is that by thinking about this, you “invite problems into your life.” Quite the opposite. Do airplane pilots invite crash landings? I hope not. And it’s a good thing they know the drill should a problem occur.

So, picture yourself, moving along, and it gets to be… let’s say… Valentine’s day. You have been moving ahead with your New Life (and business if that’s your desire) – your Simplified and Streamlined life – for about 6 weeks. What might come up for you? Are you tired? You most likely are. Our bodies do not like too much change too quickly. They LOVE homeostasis. That’s a fancy word for “keep me the same so I stay safe and alive.”

So, create for yourself a series of if/then statements. Our brains love those.

For example:

IF my mom asks me to come and stay for a few days THEN I will say “(what will you say?)”

IF I want to eat a Whole Heart of Valentine’s Chocolate THEN I will (what will you do?)

IF you want to quit working out (I’m at a plateau on this scale, I might as well go back to “eating normally”) THEN I will (what will you change, if anything?)

OK! So now, you have looked at your Mindset and some Steps. It’s time to sign up for the 2021 Vision Workshop. Why would you miss that? {insert link to sales page here]

In Simple Abundance for 2021 and always,



Are you working way too hard? The secret to Simplifying your Life in 2021 is easier than you think.

You try hard. You follow the steps. Sort of. Mostly, you procrastinate. If only you could do it, like everyone else. You know how. So, what’s wrong with you?

As it turns out, there is quite likely nothing “wrong” with you. What could be hurting you, however, is your “mindset.” What do I mean?

  • You might believe that you just need to work harder and you will get ahead.
  • You might believe that you are in charge of your aging parent(s) and this means you cannot succeed in your own work/create a life you love.
  • You might believe that all you need to do is get better at scheduling your work, and your “monkey-mind” will calm down.

The really tricky part is that some portion of each bullet above can be pretty true. So, what is the issue? Let’s break them down, one by one.

  • Working hard is important to being successful. Here is the caveat. Many people do not really know, deep down, what they mean by “getting ahead.” Their vision is cloudy at best. “I want to make my business successful.” What does this mean…. exactly?? In terms of profit, in terms of lifestyle, in terms of the difference you make in someone’s life?
  • Helping your aging parent(s): Helping our family – particularly our aging parents – is no joke. It takes a lot of heart, soul, time, and attention. Finding the right place – that place that aligns with your value of what you want regarding YOUR life and theirs can be ever-evolving. For help with this “can of worms” bullet point, please contact my good friend and colleague Wendy Tadducci HERE. She is starting her next 6 week program on Jan 18th so don’t delay! For our purposes in this article, simply know that YOU are in charge of decisions when they affect YOU. And most will.
  • Time Management can be a real farse. Life is much more than a schedule. And a schedule/to-do list can actually work against you when you’re not mindful about what is on it. A to-do list that contains energy-zapping tasks that are not in your zone of genius can be downright draining. In this scenario, you’re procrastinating, watching yourself fail time after time, and losing momentum and drive. A no-win situation. Then you tell yourself, “I just need better scheduling/time management skills.” No, you don’t. You need to stop doing things that are killing your spirit.

Contrast these 3 mistakes with the opposite scenario. You know what you want (you have defined success on your terms), you know what your role is in relationship to your family and love it, and you are clear about what is allowed on your to-do list.

Yah, that’s Simple Abundance. Mark your calendar for 1.11.2021. (That’s the normal time for Wisdom Warriors). And this time it’s the 2021 Visioning Workshop – two-hour special (11:30am to 1:30 pm). You don’t want to miss this one!