
Feeling drained? Find unexpected ways for more energy here!

There are always going to be times when we find ourselves feeling odd, perhaps emotional, and generally a bit ‘out of sorts’, and sometimes it’s hard for us to put our finger on just what the cause is. However, if you’re feeling funny and not quite yourself right now, there are more than a few easily identifiable reasons…

Why right now?

The strange Covid-19 world we’re currently experiencing is creating all sorts of issues for people, mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s draining for a lot of us, and for plenty of reasons.

You may have more people at home than you’re used to. Our social batteries often only last so long, especially if you’re somewhat introverted, and expending extra energy just being around more people more often, can be exhausting. Maintaining an upbeat tone or trying to stay positive for other’s benefit can take its toll.

Alternatively, if you’re an extrovert and have been thrust into a more isolated lifestyle, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed with loneliness or boredom. Your energy comes from being around others and to suddenly have that taken from you will mean you’re likely to feel drained of enthusiasm.

You may have noticed it’s taking more work to achieve the same thing. Just ‘running out to the store’ seems a thing of the past, now with lines and social distancing rules, meaning you can’t simply grab and go as you once would have. If you’re tired and drained of energy, you may be approaching tasks with a less than enthusiastic attitude compared to normal, even if it’s something you usually relish.

Our day to day routines and patterns have been increasingly interrupted. You may be getting up later or going to bed later than usual, your mealtimes may have been thrown out of sync, not to mention any exercise routine, even if it was simply walking to work. And this interruption has a clear effect. When our patterns are interrupted, we may tend to eat more, and eat less healthily. This in turn means we’ll have less energy and so we find it easier to skip exercise, creating a vicious cycle.

So, what can be done?

Although we’re not able to change what’s going on around us externally, there are ways in which we can combat this feeling of being drained, by looking inward and making choices.

1. Take a ruthless and honest assessment of where you and your family are now

Look at your home situation. What have you got to be thankful for? What improvements could be made? How can you all help each other through this? Really look at how you’re all feeling and what behaviors you’re all exhibiting. This will help you identify where you need to be more empathic, or stricter with yourself or your children, for example. It will help you be more patient where need be, as well as aid you in finding resolution to any irritations or annoyances.

2. Make choices to support your values and dreams

Don’t be tempted to forget about yourself, your passions, and your ambitions. You are important and you matter. Things may feel so far away for a lot of us at the moment, but this will pass, and your values and dreams will remain. Give yourself some space to rekindle any passion you may have lost.

3. Be okay with imperfection

Remember, it’s ok to not be ok. It’s so very tempting to try to be super productive, learn a new skill, finish a project you’ve been putting off or generally feel you should be achieving more. For many of us, during these unfamiliar times, the pressure is overwhelming so remember to be kind to yourself and accept that things may not be as perfect as you’d like, and that’s ok.

There is a light…

Times like these are truly tough for us all. Remind yourself of the value you hold as well as the value of others. Look inward, be patient with yourself and accept that there are certain things that simply can’t be helped right now, be gentle and less expectant. Keep your heart-centered choices at the forefront of what you do, and that should give you the clarity, energy, and motivation you need to keep moving forward.

Find out more in my second blog – (More Energy, Less Overwhelm.)


More Energy, Less Overwhelm

In my last blog post, we looked at why we might be feeling drained and some unexpected ways to help boost your energy levels and tackle some of the stresses and strains of living in a world affected by Covid-19.

To recap the key points:

1. Take a ruthless and honest assessment of where you and your family are now

Look at your home situation. What have you got to be thankful for? What improvements could be made? How can you all help each other through this?

2. Make choices to support your values and dreams

Don’t be tempted to forget about yourself, your passions, and your ambitions

3. Be okay with imperfection

Remember, it’s ok to not be ok.

Now, let’s dig a little deeper.

If your intentions are to be kinder, more empathic, more patient, more forgiving, how will you know you’re succeeding? Quite simply, we must measure our intentions by really focusing on what’s important to us. For a start, your intentions will help you identify what’s important to you and what you value most. If you’ve opted to be more patient, for example, that may show you hold peace very dear and you’re willing to compromise in order to achieve this peace as a result.

Ask yourself, what results are you hoping for? Do you wish for a more peaceful household? Do you want to feel less pressured? Do you wish you had more guilt-free time to work on your passions? Then, each day, ask yourself if you can feel a shift. Do things seem calmer around you? Do you feel less overwhelmed? Have you started to feel that boost of energy you’ve been longing for?

How can we make sure we succeed in our intentions?

What we measure, we succeed in. When we take the time to prioritize ourselves and those around us, and become more aware and mindful of small, positive shifts, we notice progress. When we witness progress, we feel more focused, motivated, and much more inclined to continue these intentions. A positive cycle is born.

What can you do to be effective and not overwhelmed?

Sometimes, just trying to remain upbeat or motivated can feel overwhelming. Feeling drained and feeling overwhelmed often go hand in hand. This is where the patience and kindness come in. You really must endeavor to treat yourself as deserving, whether that be deserving of a break, deserving of some time out, deserving of a healthy meal or a run round the park, your needs matter.

Taking it easier on yourself actually allows for more space to grow and move forward. It may seem like a contradiction but overwhelm can cause a kind of mental paralysis and by being kinder and more patient with yourself and accepting the imperfect, you give yourself space to breathe. Often, this will lead to your desire and motivation returning, giving you that much sought-after energy boost.

You can take it easy on yourself AND move ahead…it’s possible.

Count your blessings and watch your wins. Celebrate!

Earn more, work less: here’s how

Get ruthless.

Many businesses are suffering but that doesn’t necessarily mean yours has to. It’s tempting to lower rates and fees or offer your products or services at a discounted price but that’s not always the best option.

These times are showing plenty of people what they’re truly capable of, how we can adapt to change when it’s necessary and how we can succeed through hardship.

In tough times, the tough get going.

We all need to put food on our plates and a roof over our heads. If you have something others are crying out for, charge what you’re worth. People will always pay for something that gets them results, something they value.

Working smarter, not harder, is a mantra we should all get on board with.