
Motivation that Lasts: 3 Ways to Catapult your Motivation in 2020!

It’s the same every year. After the holiday rush, many of us are now reflecting on last year’s gains and losses and making plans for the year ahead. But this sort of reflection can lead to uncomfortable questions on why things maybe didn’t go as planned? Why, when you were adamant a few weeks back that you would go to the gym every day, has that resolution fallen by the wayside? And how will you ensure that the things you resolve to do this year will stick?

The problem with ‘Just Do It’

If we believe everything we’re told, all we need to lose those pounds, get that promotion or achieve epic greatness is willpower. Period.  Except, real life isn’t that simple. The “Just Do It” attitude of ploughing through, with relentless determination doesn’t account for the hurdles that daily life puts in our way. We get so consumed by everything we should “just be doing” that we forget to do the things now that will lead to a clear path and relaxed mind later.  The result is the antithesis of motivation. Somewhere this advice just stops being useful. It stops meaning anything and certainly doesn’t motivate us. It causes us to look at how much we have left to achieve in order to reach our goal and that’s just discouraging. Instead, maybe our mantra should be, “Do what only you can do”?

When willpower does not work

Think of willpower like a muscle in your body.  You can use it, but sooner or later it’s going to run out of steam and become exhausted.  What then?  What do you do when will power is in short supply or Just. Doesn’t. Work? How else can we reach our goals?

The most powerful resource we have in our arsenal is our imagination.  Our mind. Instead of relying on willpower, try, instead envisioning your future.  What will it look, feel, taste like?  Having a clear picture in mind will help you plan and pre-empt the choices you may have to make in order to attain your goal. In the case of losing weight, what might stop you from meeting your objective?  Might it be the junk food stop after a busy day at work? So, what do you need to do?  Perhaps ensure you have a healthy meal prepared for when you get home.  Get rid of every obstacle that stands in your way. Additionally, instead of focusing your personal efforts to overcome a situation or environment, try concentrating instead on designing environments that help you reach your goals.  For example, if you resolve to drink less alcohol, don’t put yourself in an environment where alcohol is the focus – a bar or a party for example. If you want to increase your personal fitness, surround yourself with others who are committed to the same goal – a gym for example, rather than a coffee shop!

Foundational Habits, Big Why, and Consistency as the Key to Success

If you’ve ever tried to change a habit, you’ll know it’s a big ask. Although we know that changing our habits for good is worthwhile, it can be hard.

The trick with any change is to start small. Instead of setting yourself up for failure, break each task into smaller, more manageable chunks. Try replacing a bad habit with a positive habit in its stead.  Take, for example, a person who orders a salad for lunch rather than a burger.  The difference in calories doesn’t make that much immediate difference, but when you consider this change over the course of days, weeks and months, the results could be astounding. Committing to change and consistently working towards it in small steps is the way to go. As the saying goes, small changes equal big results.

In our next blog, we’ll be delving deeper into the magic of manufactured motivation and how to get motivated when you just can’t do it.


Manufactured Motivation: 5 ways to ‘Do It’ to do when you just ‘Can’t Do It’

There are always those tasks that we really don’t want to do.  But whereas most of us can see the benefit of completing these jobs and will therefore just “suck it up” and get the job done, for people with AD/HD, these tasks can become impossible to achieve.

AD/HD and manufactured motivation

In my last blog, we looked at how to motivate ourselves when willpower has taken a hike. For those with AD/HD, feeling bad about yourself and your abilities can manifest in a lack of motivation, making carrying out even simple tasks a painful experience. But there are ways to manufacture that motivation.

  1. Plan to do something that feels rewarding several times a day.  By making sure you have little successes every day, you’ll recharge your batteries for when you need them.
  2. Realize that you don’t have to do everything.  Give yourself permission to let go of what you don’t do well and let someone else do it who will enjoy it.
  3. Reframe tasks by asking yourself how you can complete them in a way that works for you.  Consider what might make it feel more worthwhile. Think – Rewards and Fun!

Of course, correct medication can help alleviate or minimize the effects of AD/HD and enable you to sustain focus on a task that is either overwhelming or boring.  Other ways that can help with de-motivation include exercise. The increased dopamine produced can help improve attention and focus.  Exercise also produces endorphins, the “feel good” chemical in the brain. With sleep disorders extremely common in AD/HD sufferers, a lack of good sleep can exacerbate any symptoms.  Try to maintain a good night-time routine and make the bedroom a relaxing place, free from visual distractions.

Practicing mindfulness can help with awareness of attention and with choosing appropriate actions. As a tool, mindfulness is always available and can be incorporated into daily activities easily. By noticing how you feel when undertaking various activities, you can effectively plan those that cause difficulty or demotivate you and plan a reward, for example around these. This doesn’t mean that you must practice mindfulness for hours at a time!  The key is to start small and build from maybe five or ten minutes a day to make it an attainable goal.

Finally, take advantage of the community surrounding you.  Ask others for help and even for accountability, to help you stick to your timetable and avoid procrastination.  If you lack organization, for example, a fresh set of eyes on a plan of action can help you iron out any blocks before you start.

If you would like additional support, then why not tune in to my January Lunch Club.  We’ll look at 3 ways you can catapult your success for the New Year by getting the best motivation through the power of habit, forgetting about willpower (or the lack of it) and why and how your ‘Why’ can directly relate to your motivation.

See you there?