
What to do if you can’t force yourself to do a task without seeing the “bigger picture” completely

How many times have you caught yourself saying “I can’t do “this” task right now, without knowing how it fits into the bigger picture” or “I just need a plan”? Procrastination seems justified at that moment. Why would you wish to “waste” time if “It does not matter?”

Ask yourself this: Is this really the need for the circumstances to be perfect; for all the pieces of the jigsaw to be in place, before we can move on and complete the task? Or, is it something else…is there a tool you can put into place so that the big picture is clearer?

To more easily see the bigger picture and stop delaying (progress can be defined as incemental daily steps…) do these 3 things.

  1. Use a capture tool.  This doesn’t have to be anything complicated.  Maybe just a pen and paper but start your day by undertaking a brain dump onto a sheet of paper.  List everything that you need to do, together with any deadlines. These tasks can be work, family or personal must-dos. Then group tasks together, where possible, and schedule time in your diary to get each done.  You may find it easier to use a memo app on your phone, or maybe even a voice recorder app – whatever works for you.
  2. Allow white space. When scheduling your tasks, it’s easy to cram every waking moment with something to do, only to then be frustrated and off-roaded by an urgent or unforeseen something that crops up at the last minute.  Often…things take much longer than they “should.” (read: “than we allow or realize.”) Don’t let these circumstances get the better of you.  Instead, ensure that you allow for unforeseen events by leaving plenty of white space in your calendar – Worst case scenario, you’ll be able to easily pencil something urgent in, best case scenario, you’ll have extra time to dedicate to other tasks or for that coffee with a friend.
  3. Focus on the end result.  Make sure that you keep your end goals in view.  It can be easy to become side-tracked by unforeseen events but bear in mind the bigger picture and ensure that whatever you are doing is leading you towards your end result.  It may be necessary to sometimes stop, take stock and to reposition to align with your goals.  This is okay and perfectly normal.  Just keep those end results in mind.

It’s surprising what a difference an extra 30 minutes can make to your productivity and your day as a whole.  That’s not to say that it’s easy to discipline yourself to getting up 30 minutes earlier.  If you find it a struggle, then try doing it gradually.  Set your alarm a few minutes earlier every day and start counting the ways that you can harness morning success into lasting success.


Morning Success = Lasting Success

It’s amazing to think that one small tweak in your routine can change the outlook of your day. We’ve all heard that if we “wake up earlier, we’ll be more productive” and that can be true.  There’s something relieving in starting your day before everyone else and amazing how much more you can achieve in those rare, precious minutes of quiet before the household stirs.

But, setting the alarm thirty minutes earlier is only the beginning of the story.  If you’re going to sacrifice thirty minutes of precious rest time, then you owe it to yourself to maximize those minutes.  Here’s how:

  1. Hydration – One of the best things you can do as soon as you wake is to drink at least 16oz of water.  This fires up your metabolism and gets you wide awake and ready to face the day ahead.  By hydrating your body, you’ll flush out toxins, give your brain fuel as well as curbing your appetite.  There’s probably no other time in the day when you’d go 7-8 hours without a drink, so your body will thank you for giving it some fluids.
  2. Meditation – Although your instinct upon waking may be to jump out of bed and get moving (after all, why wake up early otherwise?) a few minutes spent meditating is a great way to start your day.  Even a few minutes of sitting quietly, practicing mindfulness can make a positive difference. While you sit peacefully, silently, your body is revitalized through mindful breathing. While this might seem counterintuitive, (after all, why wake early to then sit in a Zen-like state for 30 minutes?), you’ll find that this time spent in meditation will not only help you start your day in a calm state but will also help you to become more conscious when you wake up and less zombie-like.
  3. Stretching – there is no better way to energize your body and get the blood flowing than to start your day with a full-body stretch.  The good news is that this can be done while you’re still in bed! A good stretch will help the blood flow to your muscles, get them engaged and ready to start their day.  Your muscles have stiffened overnight from lack of movement, so a good stretch first thing is just what they need. The brain and body are closely intertwined too, so this stretch allows your brain to operate more efficiently.

A few minutes dedicated to self-care will set you up for the day ahead and help with both physical and mental wellbeing. 

Once the self-care is taken care of, you’ll want to make those precious few minutes count.  It’s important that you not only focus on a routine that will allow you to make the most of your extra time, but also to plan effectively. This means taking a strategic look at your weekly, monthly and annual goals and needs.

For example, when you have your week effectively planned out, it’s easy to see what you need to achieve and by when.  Similarly, with monthly and yearly goals, you’ll be able to factor these into your schedule and, by working backwards, allocate enough time to plan, prepare and execute.  For example, planning that every October 1, “I’ll set up a time to have my car winterized” – (no being blind-sided by snow for you!) or “Every February 1 I will set aside time to get my tax stuff done and off to the accountant, so I don’t need to file an extension” – you see the kind of thing?

Of course, if you’re adding to your daily activity, you’ll need to make sure that you have enough energy to stay the course. Make sure to take frequent breaks to maintain your attention span.  Also ensure that you don’t become a slave to your to-dos.  Move, stretch and breathe throughout the day.  The effectiveness of your early start will be totally lost if you end up working harder for longer! Try and block out time each day to get out in the fresh air for a few minutes.  A walk around the block can help clear your brain, relieve anxiety and focus your mind.

In our next blog, we’ll be looking at the excuses we make and how not to get distracted by “shiny object syndrome”.