
New MINDset, New Results

In our last blog, we looked at the self-limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.  Now, we’re going to take a closer look at how a new mindset can give you the results you deserve!

1. Why the HOW is actually a small part of the Success Formula

Recently, I ran into an issue with a client. She was “doing all the right things.” So, why was she not getting results? As it turns out, she had not really embodied the success she said that she wanted. She was treating everything as a “to-do” list. Her WHY was not front and center. And as a result, she did not believe her success was possible. Yet she wanted more “how.” Now, I have challenged her to BE more and DO less.

When you open your mind to possible new ways of doing things, of bringing and creating success, then you’ll create a winning mindset. It’s all about replacing self-limiting beliefs and habits with self-empowering ones instead.

Consider how you can develop these success habits – what systems can you create to keep you focused? Can you create a to-do list, or maybe save a positive affirmation to your cell phone home screen to remind yourself you’re doing great? 

Work out your own stepping-stones towards your goals and make a little progress every day. Keep your end goal in mind and don’t be derailed by any bumps in the road, just reset your course and forge ahead. Ask others for help when you need it; perhaps constructive feedback or positive affirmation that you’re on the right track.

2. Use neuroscience to trick your brain

If you’ve spent a lifetime telling your brain one thing, you can’t expect it to change course in an instant.  You’ve got to train your brain to think in a way that makes success a certainty. Sound complicated? It doesn’t need to be. 

Start by visualizing your end-goal.  What will it look like, feel like, taste like? Create your vision of you at that end point.  By envisioning your end-goal, your brain can understand what you want and can start pulling everything in place to achieve that success.

Make this visualization part of your routine; five minutes first thing in the morning and/or last thing at night.

3. Incorporating hypnosis to seal the deal

Hypnotherapy can be a great tool to help you reprogram your mind. When you consider that some of your negative, self-limiting beliefs or “success-blocks” will have been with you since childhood, you can understand that they might take a bit of shifting! Hypnotherapy can give you a “pause” on stressing about your problems and allow you to approach the issue from a different mindset. It can also help you to visualize yourself having already achieved your goals, and “trick” your brain into believing that the success has already happened. Why not give it a try?

No one person deserves success more than any other.  If you’re guilty of finding excuses for your lack of success, it’s time to change your mindset and grab every success that comes your way.  Enjoy! 

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  • Quick answers to your current dilemmas…in real time. Don’t know what to ask? No worries, we have a new HOT theme each month.
  • The solution to the #1 issue for Entrepreneurs: Collaboration! You can Collaborate with like-minded individuals for additional support…in real time AND outside of the group. Did anyone say accountability partner?
  • And even more goodies: You get MUCH more than live calls once a month! You get unlimited Access to past and new group session recordings – to enhance your learning and growing OUTSIDE of our monthly calls.

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Let’s get you more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been!

Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.


Hidden fear of success: How to completely change “fear of success” once and for all, even if you don’t think you fear it

Does it ever feel like everyone else is achieving success, while you …?

Well, you’ve heard the expression, “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride…”, right? You try and try but you just never quite seem to reach your goal. 

Why is that? What could be holding you back?

Sometimes the fear of success is a ninja assassin of your hopes and dreams – it creeps up on you, without you even realizing it’s there. It ruthlessly introduces its three secret weapons; anxiety, limiting beliefs and the unconscious mind…and just waits for them to wreak their havoc.

So, how can you banish your blockages?  Here are my 3 tips: Uncover what is truly holding you back.

1. Firstly, take one goal at a time.  Then list the reasons that are holding you back from achieving this.   Be honest.  Is it that you’re waiting for the “perfect” moment? Are you frightened of others’ reactions and what your family/colleagues/friends will say? Maybe you dislike change? Instead of seeing change as growth, perhaps you fear the uncertainty. Perhaps you’ve failed before and you don’t want to fail again? There are so many reasons why you could be holding yourself back.  But, essentially, they all boil down to one word: FEAR. Fear is what paralyzes you and stops you doing anything.  Fear is what tells you you’re not good enough, or the timing’s not great, or someone will laugh.

Learn how to take the first big, bold step to change your course.

Fear is like a big giant creature that lurks in us all; The more we feed it, the bigger it gets. But you CAN shrink that monster down to size.  Here’s how: Firstly, look your fears straight in the eye. Ask yourself, “What is the worst that can happen?” – so you fail. What’s so bad about that?  We all do, sometimes and it’s the failures that are a much more valuable lesson than the successes.

2. Discover new techniques that will work for you personally.Try to “rinse and repeat”.  Many tasks look scary from the outside, but once you take a deep breath and dive in, they’re often not so bad.  Doing the scary activity time and time again will make the task so mundane, so routine, that it loses any scary connotations.

We all tell ourselves that we can’t do X because “we’re just not good enough” or even that “We don’t deserve” it.  “People like me never get X”. Sound familiar?  Instead of giving these negative thoughts brain-space, exchange them for positive affirmations.  Tell yourself instead “I’ve worked hard, I do deserve this promotion” or “I’m going to show X exactly what I can do” Experiment until you find a phrase that resonates with you and helps you stand tall. Stop telling yourself that you’re just not good enough!  Self-limiting belief can be crippling. You are enough, and you deserve success. Tell yourself this every time you feel the fear.

3. Use “what if”.  Whenever a self-limiting doubt enters your head, ask yourself:

  • What if I don’t get the promotion?
  • What if my family don’t understand?
  • What if I can’t get a bigger house?

Next, respond with a positive answer.  If you don’t get the promotion, you’ll try next year.  If your family don’t understand you’ll explain in a different way. If you can’t get a bigger house, you’ll wait until you can.

…Suddenly, that fear-creature lurking inside is on one heck of a diet!

In my next blog, I’ll be looking at how a new mindset can get you new results.  Check it out.

Like this? You’ll love the Club!

Try on the Lunchtime Club (monthly virtual coaching group) on us for 30 days FREE!

  • Quick answers to your current dilemmas…in real time. Don’t know what to ask? No worries, we have a new HOT theme each month.
  • The solution to the #1 issue for Entrepreneurs: Collaboration! You can Collaborate with like-minded individuals for additional support…in real time AND outside of the group. Did anyone say accountability partner?
  • And even more goodies: You get MUCH more than live calls once a month! You get unlimited Access to past and new group session recordings – to enhance your learning and growing OUTSIDE of our monthly calls.

Curious? Learn more about this low cost, low commitment, high results, high energy program:

  • Click here if you have not worked with us before
  • Click here if you have been a client of ours in the last 12 months

Let’s get you more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been!

Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.