Decluttering Get Organized Organization

3 Steps to Clear the Clutter

In our last blog, we looked at how to set about making the switch from chaotic to de-cluttered and in this second blog, we’re going to take those ideas one step further.

We are all products of our environment.

The first point to understand is that the environments we create for ourselves reflect our physical, mental, as well as emotional selves.  As our lives become more muddled, so we become less energetic and less efficient.  Have you ever felt like you should clean the house/tidy the back yard or attack the laundry mountain, then talked yourself down because it’s such a mammoth task… and it will take so long…and suddenly, you just don’t have the energy to sort it? Sure, we’ve all done it at some point. Now, if we leave that chore for another day, we’re just compounding the problem (Spoiler alert: There is no such thing as a laundry fairy) But, actually, were we to start the chore, it wouldn’t take half as long as we predicted, and its accomplishment would increase our energy, vitality and happiness.

The 5-Minute Rule

As we have discussed previously, a small change is better than no change at all and you’d be surprised how a dedicated five minutes at the end of your working day can make all the difference.  Instead of rushing for the door at 5.30pm, block out five minutes to review your day’s productivity, tick off any tasks that have been completed and transfer any for review or action the next day.  Having a “clean desk policy” where you leave your desk clear at the end of the day can have a wonderous effect on your mental health and feelings of efficiency.  No more anxiety over what you have in store tomorrow at the office, now you know exactly where you need to be and what you need to do.  Your desk is a serene oasis of calm (at least at the start and end of the day!)  

Clear is Kind

The final step is to simplify. Over time, surrounding ourselves with clutter, either physical, mental or emotional can slow us down and make us feel drained. Instead, simplify procedures.  Simplify activities.  Simplify every aspect of your life as much a possible.  By removing the “clutter” of everyday activity, by focusing on the core of any activity and not the paraphernalia that surrounds it, you can attack any task with vigor and get to grips with it, without feeling exhausted before you even start!  Strip down what you are dealing with to its’ barest form and decide the steps to take in order to achieve success.

Over the course of these two blogs, we have discovered that the process of de-cluttering and clearing chaos involves as much clearing of the mind as it does physical action.  Change can be yours in just a few simple steps and a revitalized, energetic and organized you is just waiting around the corner.  Let me know how you do!


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Let’s get you more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been!

Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.

Decluttering Get Organized Organization Planning Positive Thinking

From Scattered To Serene – How to change the habits of a lifetime

Some people are chronically disorganized.  For them, life pretty much resembles the college dorm of years gone, except now, instead of laundry littering the floor, dirty plates and study books, it’s their kids’ “stuff”, work papers and, oh wait…the laundry is still there. Please know that “neat” does NOT equal “organized.” But there is definitely some cross-over.

There comes a time when disorganization will catch up with you. In business, that late payment because you lost the payment slip could have disastrous effects.  That missed meeting could have been a great new contract, and in your personal life you might never get another chance to make those particular memories.

But, while a certain amount of disorganization can be kind of “cute”, if you live your entire life in this manner, you could be stifling any kind of growth, whether business or personal.

But, fear not!  Here are my 3 top tips to reining the chaos in and being the paragon of serenity (at least some of the time, at least)

1. Get to the root of the problem.

Before you stock pile sticky notes and download a multitude of apps, you need to ask yourself, “Why?”  Why are you disorganized?  What has triggered this situation?  It could be something from your childhood – perhaps your parents lived life in this manner, or it could be the influence of a partner, or ex-partner, years ago.  Examinining the root cause of habitual behaviour that does not serve you is invaluable. For some, it may be that you procrastinate as a result of feeling overwhelmed.  In some cases, when we feel like there are just too many options open, or too many tasks requiring our attention, it is easier to do nothing than it is to tackle them head on. Once you have understood your particular trigger, you can look at ways of “re-booting” that belief or behavior.

2. Surround yourself with organized people.

It’s so much harder to go against the grain when you surround yourself with super-organized types.  Believe me, their habits will start to rub off on you! As you see them easily locate their credit card statement and you know you’d still be shuffling papers frantically searching for yours, so you begin to see how much easier life could be.  These “neat ninjas” can also be a really great resource for you, too.  Ask that co-worker for her tips on managing your emails or call in a favor and get help with sorting your closet. 

3. Declutter to De-Stress.

Have you ever had to use brute force to close that closet drawer or to fit another coat hanger in? Do you really need to keep every single work of art Junior did in first grade? Be accountable for all your clutter and make a commitment to de-clutter every three months.  Donate, destroy and recycle your way to a clutter-free environment.  “I might need that one day” is not a good enough reason to keep something.  Be ruthless – if it’s not there, it can’t clutter.  Allow yourself one box of sentimental stuff – you’ll have fun deciding which items get to go in the box and you’ll know exactly where those precious memories are when you want to revisit them.  Once you have cleared the decks, make sure everything left has a place and is kept in that place. 

Finally, while it’s great to be organized, remember to be kind to yourself.  This kind of change can be intimidating and just a little bit overwhelming.  Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not perfect; cut yourself a break!  Even a small change can be a positive move in the right direction and if you follow these tips, the new, organized version of yourself could be closer than you think.

In my next blog, we will be looking at further practical steps to get you that de-cluttered mindset.  So, stay tuned!


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  • Quick answers to your current dilemmas…in real time. Don’t know what to ask? No worries, we have a new HOT theme each month.
  • The solution to the #1 issue for Entrepreneurs: Collaboration! You can Collaborate with like-minded individuals for additional support…in real time AND outside of the group. Did anyone say accountability partner?
  • And even more goodies: You get MUCH more than live calls once a month! You get unlimited Access to past and new group session recordings – to enhance your learning and growing OUTSIDE of our monthly calls.

Curious? Learn more about this low cost, low commitment, high results, high energy program:

  • Click here if you have not worked with us before
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Let’s get you more focused, organized, and productive than you have EVER been!

Let’s see what might happen if you dare to just “read the blogs” to taking the steps to get you to where you want to go, but perhaps have not dared to…. until now.

I’ll be there! I can’t wait to meet you.