Decluttering Get Organized Productivity

Can’t keep up with your home or finances? The secret to peace is simpler than you think.

In our last blog we looked at the process of de-cluttering and ridding ourselves of all the paraphernalia of modern-life, whether that is in a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual sense.

Now, let’s extend that further into our home life.

Have you ever paused in your everyday life and wondered, “How did we even get here?” “Why does this have to be so complicated?”

Why do we make things so complicated?  We place so many “ifs” and “buts” around our lives that it becomes like an assault course of stumbling blocks, caveats and conditions and to top it all, there’s no prize for reaching the finish line!

So why continue living that life when all you crave is simplicity?  For three easy steps to untangling, de-cluttering and uncomplicating your home and finances, read on…(After all, life really is too short, isn’t it?)

  1. First off, take a good hard look at your life. Go on, really evaluate it.  What are you doing just because “That’s the way it’s always been done” or “Because it’s simpler that way” – is it, really? You know, times change and maybe a new system, a new way of doing something is just what you need.  Maybe that slight change in perspective could be a launching pad to a more streamlined you!
  2. We all know the saying, “Less is more”, right? But, how many of us practice it? Do you really need all those bank accounts?  Wouldn’t one or two be enough? Let’s face it, it’s just more work at the end of the month to reconcile them, more passwords to store, more paperwork to file…more work, more hassle.  What about the other household systems or chores?  What can you do to reduce, eliminate or delegate them?  Maybe household chores take up too much of your time or energy.  What about the ironing – a whole lot of work and as soon as it’s done, a new pile magically appears.  You know, by employing someone for a couple of hours a week, you could tick those chores straight off your list and focus on some good stuff instead.
  3. Of course, this new-found simplicity isn’t going to work unless you practice it! All. the. time. It might take a while to see the benefits but, by actually acknowledging the changes that you are bringing about, by noticing, for example, that delegating X has resulted in extra time, or how you are now able to compete tasks which previously would have required more time, more patience, more application and you still have energy at the end of it! What a change this could bring! One that impacts on so many areas of your life.

If you crave a simpler life, then go get it!  It’s within your power and your control.

Confidence Get Organized Goal Setting Positive Thinking Productivity

Do you know what you want to do but you can’t do it? Here’s the first step.

GREAT! You’ve recognized some changes you want to make in your life.  You’ve set your goals and have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, when and how. Congratulations … there’s just one small hitch.  One tiny problem. Something is stopping you from achieving those goals and putting a massive “Detour” sign bang in the middle of “Goal Highway”.

Often, we find that, although we can identify those steps we need to take to help us reach our goals, we are held back because we are locked into unconscious patterns, which anchor us to how we have always been; the long-held beliefs we have had that this is the way we’ve always done it, so why change? The fears of upsetting or impacting others if we make that change, the guilt because we are putting ourselves, our own needs first.  Sound familiar?

So, let’s look at 3 strategies to help us achieve our goals:

  1. Start by envisioning what you want to achieve. How will this make you feel? What effects (positive and negative) will this have on your life, on those around you? What will life look like on the “other side”?  Write this down if it helps (remember it’s for your eyes only, so no stressing if it looks anything other than perfect!)
  2. Clear out. Now, make a list of what’s in your way. What’s stopping you from achieving your goal Nirvana? – Be sure to consider all aspects of your life and wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and be honest, even though this might involve looking deep within yourself.  It will be worth it, promise!

So, now you have your list of “road blocks”, which can you remove? Set about removing, deleting and clearing all those that no longer serve you.  Doesn’t that feel better? Sort of like a “soul spa”, right?!  Remember, if it doesn’t support your better self – ditch it!

  1. It’s time to notice how you feel, unencumbered by what was holding you back. By performing this de-cluttering process, you give yourself more space to achieve your dreams and to explore new energy and new ideas.  You may have removed physical clutter – “stuff” in your home, your office (what about that email inbox? How many spammy emails does one person need?) Stuff on your desk, your shelves, stuff in your calendar, or it may be more about ridding yourself of emotional clutter – old ideas, bad habits, feelings of “not being good enough”, that ugly imposter syndrome that shadows your working life; whatever form your clutter takes, how do you now feel having acknowledged and addressed those feelings?

By removing these self-limiting beliefs and practices, you will free up “space” and give yourself the tools to get more done. As the Buddha said, “What you are is what you have been, what you will be is what you do now”. So, take your fresh, newly-decluttered, de-complicated self and move forwards with purpose!  Go do great things!

In our next blog, we will be looking at the next step of the process.  How to simplify your home and financial life.  Be sure to check it out!

Confidence Get Organized Growth More time in my day Positive Thinking prioritize Time strategies Wellness

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Energy Is Not Wasted

In the last blog, we looked at ways to control our energy levels and how to discover what in our life affects them on a day to day basis.

But, what about those times when our levels are at a high?  How can we keep from wasting those precious feelings?

3 ways to keep your energy at the max:


  1. Be selective. Good intentions are one thing, but if you spread that energy too thin, there will only be one loser.    We all know someone, who, when we come away from a conversation or encounter, makes us feel drained.  Who, when we ask a simple, “How are you?” will give us chapter and verse on every little thing going wrong in their lives.  You know, the “glass half-empty” kinda gal?


These people simply suck us dry of any good vibes and leave us not only carrying our own concerns, but theirs too.  Don’t let them!  Steer a wide berth from these “Emotional Vampires”, these people who are just going to bring you down and say, “Not today, thanks!”


  1. Look at your goals. Funnel your positive, light-shining energy in to what YOU want to achieve.  Your goals.  Not anyone else’s, – yours.  Create a list of what you want to achieve and think big here – don’t limit your dreams and then focus that energy into a plan of action.  Remember, little steps achieve big things and don’t let your energy be depleted by set backs along the way.  You’re in this for the long-haul, remember?


  1. Do what you love. Why are you spending time and emotional energy on those tasks that you HATE? That’s a sure-fire way of depleting your energy tanks.  Instead, identify and recognise those tasks you dislike, or that you spend too long on and either find someone else who loves that kind of thing (and make their day), or eliminate them in some other way.  Can they be broken down into smaller, less onerous tasks, for instance?


Lastly, remember, you’re in control.  These are your energy levels, your resources, the things that make you tick that we’re talking about.  You wouldn’t run a car without fuel, so why would you run your body without investing some care and long-term maintenance on it?

Pay yourself some attention and, I promise, you’ll be reaping the benefits forever after.