
So Tell Me What You Want

“Tell me what you want, what you really, really want”

OK; we all know that song. Right? The Spice Girls sing it!

(ready to dance? Here it is:

How many times have you been asked your opinion and you answer, “I don’t know”? How does this feel? I’ll bet you may feel a bit lost when answering this way. It feels unsteady; uncertain. Most of us do not like living in the land of ambivalence.

In contrast, when we know what we want, and are able to articulate it, we feel more strong and powerful. It feels satisfying. Even if we are not GETTING what we want in the moment, it feels good to at least know what we want. Because to some degree, simply knowing puts on the path to achieving that desire.

In the last article, we went through 5 steps to getting what you want. This time, I would like to take you through an exercise that Michael Losier uses in his book, Law of Attraction. This was really helpful to me when I was first becoming an entrepreneur in 2009. It’s called “Clarity through Contrast.” When you are really clear about what you do NOT want, this is a very helpful exercise.

Step One

  1. Get out a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line down the center.
  2. List the things you don’t like on the left side of the paper (this should be easy!)
  3. List the things you would like instead (contrasting, line by line, from the left side) onto the right-hand side of the paper.
  4. Create a statement like “I am moving towards/working on/becoming” so the desire does not feel like a falsehood, even though it has not yet manifested, and it is placed in a positive light.

Please note: This exercise is taken from the book: Law of Attraction The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t ISBN 0-9732240-0-2 book available on-line at Copyright 2003 Michael J Losier

Step Two

Allow it – really make it believable by pointing out to yourself how many people already have it. Remember, you get what you expect.

Step Three

Notice it happening.  Celebrate and be grateful for all the goodness in your life each day.  Notice.  Do this daily.


That’s it! Yes, it is simple. Yet, it is very powerful. Start today and do this each day for 10 days. Then, see what results you find!


How to get what you really want. Really.

“You can’t always get, what you want…You can’t always get, what you want…but if you try sometimes…you get what you need….”

OK; we all know that song. Right? “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” is a song by the Rolling Stones on their 1969 album Let It Bleed.

Is it true? Yes and no.

While it’s true that the Universe will provide us what we need, a nudge in the right direction never hurts. Enter “all that goal-setting.” Yet, so many people don’t bother with goals. While many reasons can be offered as to why, it often boils down to one phrase.

We don’t get what we want. We get what we expect.
(no wonder we drop goals!)

Sit with that for a minute. What’s your current dilemma?

Example: Are you an entrepreneur who has way too much to do, is very busy, hates “all things marketing” and simply wants to get on with her work? You say you want to make a good living. But do you truly expect it?

Follow the steps below to finally realize why you continue to try and try, with some success, yet, often feel frustrated and broke. (and yes, there is a way out!)

Maybe you have set goals before. Maybe they have worked. Maybe not. Never mind, today is a new day. You have permission to release whatever has not worked in the past. It’s a new sheet of paper. When you come to this with a fresh outlook, also known as “beginner’s mind,” the possibilities sprout and become more real.


  1. What in your life (business, family, relationships, health) do you want to MASTER?
  2. With the answer to number one, ask, so what? One of the strongest motivators is dissatisfaction. Tension drives action.
  3. When you achieve your mastery (the goal you set in #1), how will your life change for the better? What lies beneath? That’s right, go deep. The deeper, the better.
  4. Commit to achieving your goal. No matter what. Believe, that even though you actually have no clue how it will be done, that it will be. You are meant to do this.
  5. Practice. Repeat. Repeat. Practice. Repeat. Repeat. Learn. Repeat. Repeat. (Do you know the 10,000 hour rule? You can master anything by working for 10 years and/or practicing it for 10,000 hours).

Now, I told you I’d mention why you may be feeling frustrated even though you have tried goals before.

We can say we want to lose 10 lbs. But do we expect to do this? We can say we would like to find the perfect partner. Yet we say there are no decent (men/women) out there. We throw excuses (some of them quite believable) in front of us. We sabotage ourselves, and complicate ourselves, and in the process feel pretty sorry for ourselves. And congratulations, we are now “normal.” Since the bulk of the population lives this way, we find comfort in this constant state of discomfort. What are they saying? They are saying,

“I want to change my life but I don’t really believe I can”

Is there a new way to go? Sure. HERE IS YOUR NEW MANTRA.

Expect great things.  Act as if.

Then, expect your life experiences to match your expectations (which are now Great Things).
