procrastination Productivity productivity in the workplace Time strategies

Picking Productivity – how to dull the shiny objects

Last month, we really focused on focusing. Are you focused yet?


This is a core principle of productivity. It is the most simple concept, yet the most difficult to achieve. There are, quite frankly, too many diversions and distractions in life. This has been true thoughout history, and is “more true” than ever with the unceasing reality that is electronic connectedness. We are re-wiring our brains, and while I am not suggesting we revert to 1962, I am submitting that focused effort gets the job done.


NOTE: On November 2, I will be offering a webinar (you have to pay for this one) through It’s called “Where Did the Time Go? 5 Ways to get a Lot More Done in a Day.” here’s a preview of the content: Click to view


Now, you are probably wondering what you can do, like, now, or perhaps, like yesterday. I have wonderful news: I’m going to start right here, right now. We shall continue on this Path to Productivity Bliss on 10/2 (the free Q&A with me) and as of right now, here comes a tip!
From Procrastination to Productivity: Today’s tips:
  1. Take a break. Ask yourself, am I really procrastinating, or am I taking a break? I myself take breaths, breaks, breathers between sessions. Some healers bring out the sage. While I don’t use sage, I do “reset” my brain (versus endlessly slaving away, telling myself “I need to be more productive; I cannot leave my desk!”
  2. Analyze your breaks: Here’s how to tell if you are procrastinating or if you are taking a break: you are being mindful. My mentor coach tells me that when finds herself cleaning toilets, she knows she’s procrastinating. When I have a long conference call and take a walk into the kitchen, look at the sinkful of dishes then start cleaning the whole kitchen, YES I am procrastinating. When I set the timer for 5 minutes, do as many dishes as I can in that 5 minutes then get a drink and return to work, I am taking a break.
  3. Listen to music: I listen to Pandora radio when I am being creative. They help my brain focus and stay on task so I don’t get sidetracked. What works for you?
Remember, procrastination is not all bad. The mind is not meant to be always on/always up. It requires the ebb and flow for optimal results. Treat your life as a giant experiment and be gentle with yourself.
You are amazing!
Get Organized More time in my day prioritize Productivity Time strategies

Focusing Forward and Being Present

The REAL answers to your Strategic Stuckness are embedded in the question: “if it’s so easy, why aren’t we all doing it?” We’ll dive deeper into THAT on our call 9/11/17, but for now, let’s jump into some effective FOCUSING strategies!

This is for you if ANY of these feel true:

– You start out with a plan

– Your plan is a joke by day’s end and you’re asking “why bother?”

– You start out without a plan…responding to emergencies (which somehow don’t quit)

Or, maybe it’s not THAT intense. You are keeping up with your work. But, you need to up your game, get to your next level. Wherever you are, you need to do something NEW to get NEW results.

Here are my favorite ways to focus forward and stay in the moment. Wait, what?

  1. Know WHY you are doing what you are doing: This may sound silly. Does it? Think about it. If the work you are doing adds up to something you REALLY want, you’ll put aside those distractions with more ease. Right? Remember, this is your Strategic Work. This is what is getting you to your Next Level! That’s focusing forward while staying in the moment.
  2. Remove your distractions; your favorite diversions: Even when you know “why,” distractions can be really powerful. Remove them. Shut off your phone. Then, go ahead and set your timer. Set it for an amount of time to get some traction on your project. I recommend at least 30 minutes, but no more than one hour.
  3. Take a break: That’s right! Get up and move. Get away from the computer. I recommend at least every two hours, but every hour is great, even for 5 minutes to get a glass of water. Movement stimulates the brain, and we want to do our best work, right? Just be careful to come back…don’t get distracted with someone else’s issue (or the issue in your own mind unless it’s life or death!) We are Staying Strategic here.

Many other strategies will work for staying focused and strategic. What are your favorite? What trips you up? Feel free to share here on my blog and/or come to the call on 9.11.17 at noon eastern and share.