
How Flow and Time Management Can Help You Get More Done

When you have a good system in place that takes care of routine tasks, while helping you to manage major tasks related to work, personal goals, etc. will leave you feeling relaxed and on top of things.

Do you have a timing management system in place? Have you considered you may need to implement one?

When deciding on a timing management system ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have much to do?
  • How do I move through my day?

Time Management (outside-in approach) vs Timing Management (inside-out approach)

Time management, the outside-in approach is the push-to-make-more happen approach. It’s about clock time, shortage of time, lack of peace. It can be very frustrating. Time management isn’t about getting more time but choosing where we spend each bit of time.

Managing your time means to consider both how much time do I have and where should my time go. Be aware of where bits of your time might and do go.

Timing management – is about psychological time with the right activity, individual, event and at the best moment for us. The basis of timing management is relationship with ourselves. The intention for timing management is to move to a state of increased flow that will allow inspiration. We seek to bring in Reactive brain and Rational brain into harmony together. The intention of timing management is to move to a state of increased flow and allow inspiration. (Credit: Mark Forester)

  • What feels ready to be done?
  • How good do I feel?
  • What am I ready to begin?

When we know, what tasks are to be completed we can then decide when to do each one.

Where and how do I start

A good place to start is by blocking off time that you spend doing regular discretionary things i.e. sleeping, eating, watching tv, etc.… Once you’ve done that then you can fit your routine tasks around those. When you know you only have a few hours of otherwise discretionary time you can focus on the remaining important tasks.

More time in my day multitasking prioritize Productivity Time strategies

A new viewpoint when considering how to “Take Charge of Your Time.”

Time…how do you define it? Here are 2 terms referring to TIME.

Chronos or Kairos? What does this mean to you, if anything? Are we in ancient Greece yet? How are these two Time Definitions affecting my productivity?

The difference profoundly affects how we live our lives.

When we think about time in the abstract, or Chronos, there’s not generally a sense of urgency. While this can be helpful in some cases, it can also be a breeding ground for procrastination. Conversely, Kairos embodies time in our lives. Kairos says, “if I want to ‘be successful’ at my job, I need to nail down what means, and take some action as my first step.”

When reading studies by psychologists, there are 2 kinds of regret based on the age of the subject being interviewed. People their 20s regretted poor choices that got them into trouble or caused embarrassment. These range from cheating on exams to romantic interests/failures. As a result, the younger set seeks to avoid risks so that they are in the “safe zone.” Conversely, people in their 70s and 80s regretted not taking MORE chances. Their mantra is “do it while you can.” Perhaps they wanted to switch careers or learn to tap dance, but they did not act. They see the value of acting when the time is ripe.

The lesson in this? You guessed it. We’re talking about the value of goal setting, and more importantly, step-by-step goal ACHIEVING. We all have “Chronos” in our lives. Chronos tells us there will be a time to do this or that. And, he is right. There will be. But Kairos reminds us that if we wait forever, we’ll look back and wonder what happened. We might even find ourselves saying,

“Where did the time go?”

If you are ready to put Chronos in his place, and start taking action for a change, please read the article below, download the 7 steps to success, or call me for a complimentary time breakthrough session.

Finish 2016 with the pride in knowing you are poised for an even more successful 2017. I know you can.