AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day prioritize productivity in the workplace Time strategies

You have a million things to do…so how do you pick what is first?

Do you ever wake up with a to-do list already swirling around in your head?

Do you come to work and feel paralyzed because….you know there is a ton to do but you end up just responding to whatever email is on the top?

Are you in shock that this week is….November? And that the local library is ADVERTISING THE HOLIDAY CLOSINGS on the door already?!

Listen to this podcast for some helpful advise about how to make sense of it all…all day, every day, but especially as the holidays approach. Sue West and I have named it “Perspectives Podcasts.” Enjoy…and feel free to leave comments or feedback. We’d love to hear from you.

10.23.2012 Lucrative Strategies at work and at home

AD/HD Get Organized More time in my day productivity in the workplace

Have you received your first invitation to “shop for the holidays?”

The other day, an email invitation from my local Chamber of Commerce reminded me that I might want to come to an art sale- for some Holiday Shopping.

What happens to YOU when you receive a note like this on or about October 12?

When you think of those upcoming holidays, right after Halloween, what do you do? Panic? Hide? Look the other way? Cringe?

When panic sets in, the pre-frontal cortex of our brain – the “rational thinking” part- shuts down. One way to open it back up is to write a list.

My colleague Sue West has some ideas to take lists out of the “chore” category and circle back to “I am in control and I am going to make this fun!” Enjoy podcast number 4 from your two favorite organizers, Carol Williams and Sue West.

10.5.2012 breaking it down